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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Tracing me through the talisman ink

About 2 months back, one of the temple member from Malacca have run into a sha while he went for hiking. In terms of Spiritual Sha in can comes in many different forms. Encounter with malevolent spirit can be consider a Spiritual Sha and Yin Qi exposure could also be consider a Spiritual Sha. This member actually did not realize that his problem stems from one of his hiking trip.

When he contacted me he also did not think it was anything related to spiritual. He just briefly mentioned to me that he start develop rashes on his limbs, hands and legs. Do take note, if you mysteriously develop rashes out of a sudden and do not have any allergic reaction history then you be more attentive on the conditions. 

When he mentioned he developed rashes, I just briefly asked him do he went to somewhere out of the ordinary lately? Whether outdoor related to ocean or hill related? After some thoughts only he remembered he went for hiking 1 week before he develop those rashes. He went to doctor for check up, but his condition still did not improved.

I went into meditative stabilization and saw that he encountered 1 female spirit while he went hiking. The spirit was on the side of the path, when he accidentally kicked on it. Anyhow I have asked the member to come by temple to pick up the talismans for ingestion, did a brief ritual to clear his body of some residue Qi and also advised him on some things he need to do himself.

2 days after he did the ritual and ingested the talisman,  his conditioned improved and eventually all symptoms cleared.  He told me that the evening I did my meditative stabilization, he was able to sleep throughout the night, while before that he would be waking up many times throughout the night due itches from rashes.

Well that was not the end of the case as I would like it to be. Actually something happened when I cleared his Qi in the temple that hinted me it was not going to an easy settlement.

Last week discovered that the cinnnabar solution that I have cooked about 3 months back for drawing talisman suddenly turned color.

I have cooked the cinnabar solution pour onto these 2 bottle at the same time. Both bottle of cinnabar solution was the same red color as the one on the left 3 months ago.

The only difference it that the bottled that turned color was placed next to my Mao Shan Lineage plaque since the day it was made. The only edible talismans that I have drawn with this new ink was the talisman I have given to the member that went hiking. 

Immediately I have got the message from the Deities something was trapped into the bottle. I immediately went into meditative stabilization, the spirit that my member encountered somehow decided to looked for me after she was ejected out from his body after he ingested the series of talismans. Then the key questions is how did the spirit manage to trace me? Deities informed me in my meditative stabilization that it followed the trail of the ink and also my Fa 法 embedded into talisman. Anyhow the spirit was locked into the the bottle the moment it came anywhere remotely near my altar.

Of course being a skeptical realist, I do sometimes even doubt the information I receive in my checking. Being spiritual and religious is not being superstitious and sometimes I  have to double check whether I was being over imaginative on the information that I have received. Double checked with the metal oracle, and received 3 continuous Positive Oracle 勝杯.

The moment I lifted the bottle from the plaque area and hold it up, instantly my mid back muscle feel as if it was squeeze and lock. This is the usual typical response on my body when I handle some of more problematic spiritual cases. Sometimes more common is lower back muscle cramp and locked. The condition persisted for about 12 hours and then pain disappeared as mysteriously as it came. Anyhow the Deities asked me to later transfer the spirit from the bottle and into a small miniature wood statue. If you read my other blog post, you will see it is the same type of wooden statues that I used to transfer other spirits that I have caught previously.

Finally few days later manage to transfer the spirit onto the miniature statue. After the transferred the spirit, the color of the liquid changed to dark orange. It never turned back to red and I have also decided to throw away the whole bottle. 

The statue now is being place in our temple along with the other spirits that I have binded. All will be bardo delivered this coming Lunar 7th Month. 

Of course readers will have many questions such as how come the spirit dare to look for me ? Or why didn’t the spirit just leave the member after being pushed out ? Somehow spirits like human would like to try their luck .

Also many think that it is some fun think to help clear Sha for others or even something fun to be clearing malevolent spirits for others. From my body response usually you would know that it is not a fun activity.

Life on the Tao Path....