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Monday, July 2, 2018

莫欺山莫欺水 Do not look down on mountains or the waters

Prayers goes out to the missing 13 boys football team in Chiangrai, Thailand. With hopes that the rescuers around the world would be able to find them soon.

There is a saying in Chinese that 欺山莫欺水, that one can bully the mountains but do not do so with waters. It means that you can fool around when in mountain areas but for water it will be very fast that one will lose their life. I am here to add that one should not look down on either one.

From a spiritual perspective, high mountains and caves are the dwellings of spiritual beings that cultivates. They could be benevolent spirits or even malicious spirits depending they are cultivating according to the Dao 正道, Dharma 佛法 or even cultivating to become Demons. You just never know which ones you will bump into if you frequent into the uncharted or unfamiliar grounds and areas.
Photos from

Common for mountains and caves are those that descend or go into such place, will easily get lost and cannot seems to find their way out. Usually this occur when the person that goes into such places was behaving rudely, uttering bad malicious speech and many more other actions that maybe offensive to the dwelling spirits at the area. Or sometimes could be the person was down in their luck while traversing through such places.

Photos from

Which is why in each cultures there are the do's and don't, rituals of respect and also prohibition when entering into a mountainous area.

So what should you do (the basics), if you found yourself lost in such a place?

1. First check whether you are going in circles, even though you may seem to walking some distance. Place some clues on the ground before attempting to go searching for a way out. If you notice you come back to the same spot even after your travel some time, then most likely you are being spell bound by the entity at the area.

2. Do not attempt to further walk out of the place, as you will most likely be walking up and down in the same place while being spell bound. Stay put where you are and hopefully people will start to come look for you. That is why it is crucial to leave contacts with park rangers, family members and also close friends on where you are going and how long you will be at that particular place so that they know to look for you after a certain period of time.

3. What to do when you stay put? Know which Buddhist mantra that you usually chant, chant that continuously. Ask for forgiveness from the mountain deities or spirits. If you are a Taoist Disciples or only familiar with Taoist Deities, chant the Taoist Deities name continuously. Important is to remain calm.

After some time, try to find your way out again. If you are in a group, do not attempt to split up, It will more dangerous if you are dealing with malicious spiritual entity.

The rest of it is Survival Skills 101.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Insidious Adventures

I have been meditating since I was in primary school, secondary school gotten more serious about it and when I was exposed to Buddhism and Taoism then there is meditation of letting go and meditative stabilisation of working in the spiritual level. Amid all these experiences, I am still a very noob in meditation in the language of my teenage son.

Few years back, I use to have experiences of wandering off in my dreams during my sleep. Meaning dreaming of strange places or neighbourhoods which is dark or usually on a cloudy day. And most of the time these dreams are vivid and lucid. After few adventures of this kind, I enquire with a fellow senior master...he just told me you don't wander off at night after you sleep.

What he meant was, my soul or consciousness likes to go out of my body during my sleep. And most of the time I ended somewhere in Bardo states of consciousness in other words lower realms. Although I did not experience any harm in my dream, usually I would met up with dead relatives and their first word to me would be something like "How come you are here?"

Anyway I have figure a way to lock my consciousness and not to allow myself to uncontrollably wander off in my dreams. Since then work pretty well, coz I do not have weird dreams or vivid dreams anymore. If you know me, you would know that showing up in my dream is usually not a good thing as it is a sign from either Deities that something is coming next few days or weeks for the other person or myself.

Well last week, I had one of those dreams and it was worth sharing here. I dreamt one of my old friend and disciple 'K' was driving me and my family just down a village road, and when the car came to a simple bridge, the bridge was slightly curved. Instead of following the curve and just drive across the bridge, he decided to speed up and make a drastic turn, of course then the car would flew to the left side of the bridge and land on the river...somehow in the dream and he was about to land, I told him land further near the river bed and true enough he did (It was a dream!)

After we had a slight rough landing, we walked out of the car safely, nobody was injured in the dream. But soon a lot of villagers show up, they were not the friendly type, look quite hostile and were pointing towards me and K.

Quickly I told K lets slowly walked out of here, they do not dare to touch us and slowly we walked on the village road arriving to some stores in the village. Slowly however more villagers notice our arrival and they are in not friendly gestures, I told K in my dreams, lets take shelter in this corner shop house, it has chinese wording on it, looks something like a 1960s coffee shop. Anyhow we entered the cafe, locked the door, the we try to take some sneak peek through the windows of the shop. I can see those villagers are not locals of Malaysia. Local here means they are not Chinese, Indian or Malay people. Looks a bit native with languages I could not understand in the dream.

Then after a while, I told K that we better leave this place before the whole village shows up and then most likely we will be trapped. I slowly leave the shop house and walk down the road out of the village. Some stood on the side and stare at us but no harm came to us. Then I woke up in middle of the night, usual time is around 3:30am or 3:45am.

The next day, I called up K and asked him whether he have been doing any smoke offering practice lately. I then proceed to update him on my dream the night before, then suddenly I remembered he told me he was helping a friend to sell or acquire a piece of land. I suggest to him that maybe it has something to do with this piece of land that he was involved with.

Then K proceed to informed me in detail about the land. He told me actually that piece of land belong to his friend and that piece of land also contain their family relative tombs, about 20 of the tombs are located at that piece of few acres land. His friend were planning to develop a columbarium building on part of the land and also some other development. I immediately advised to K that he better forgo this land deal, as obviously the ancestors that are buried there are not so happy with the plan they have in regards to developing the land.

Any relocation of tombs especially on an area needed to be handled with exceptional care and with correct spiritual procedures being done before hand. Well after my advice, K immediately inform his friend that he cannot help him anymore for the development of the land.

Few days later K update me that actually on that piece of land there is a Thai Temple that houses columbariums. I immediately inform K that this confirm my dream, as the group of people in the dream are not local natives. So this confirm my dream.

K then proceed to advice his friend that he better get the correct approval and procedures spiritually before proceeding further with this project.

Friday, March 9, 2018

貔貅降下 - 第一部


这一切开始于2个月前,当时我姐姐买999金貔貅,同时也给我买了一枚,并要求我帮忙开光。在我早期的禅坐冥想(12年前), 我开光过貔貅铜像,然而是较倾向镇宅,而非招财。








其中一名会员立刻回复说照片中的云朵好像貔貅。您看见了吗?我根本就无意间拍摄的 ,这也是上天对人世间反应,同时也是吉祥的迹象。



Yin Yang Journal on Facebook 陰陽筆記

Kam Dong San Temple Penang 檳城金洞山廟

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Descend of Mythical Beast Pi Xiu 貔貅降下 _ Part 1 of 2

This blog entry will be focusing on the latest consecration for a batch of Pi Xiu for Kam Dong San Temple. For those reader who wants to find out the basic of Pi Xiu, you can google it, plenty of information out there.

It all started about 2 months back when my sister informed me that she have bought  a 999 gold pixiu and decided to buy 1 for me as well and asked me to consecrate 開光 for her. In my early years of meditative stabilization (about 12 years ago), I have consecrated Pi Xiu cooper statues. However they were more for home protection rather than wealth enhancement.

My own wear

To consecrate for wealth enhancement it has to be made of gold, 12 years back there is no technology for doing gold electro-forming for jewellers to make it small and yet hard shell on the outside. If anybody can afford to make statues out of gold then, I think they don't need it anyway. When my sister brings the 999 Gold PiXiu for me to consecrate, I was amaze at the current art work of it.

After consecrating both of the PiXiu, I did not think much about it and handed it to her and wear one myself on my wrist. Within the week, she called me up and told me about all her latest extra ordinary sales she is able to close. Of course she is also very hardworking, not the type to sit and wait for sales to fall from the sky.

I have also experienced tremendous activity boost for my own business. Every year I do consecrate some Taoist items to offer Kam Dong San patrons and members to request in order for us to gather donations for our temple maintenance fund. So I have specifically seek permission from Taoist Deities to consecrate 10 pure gold PiXiu bracelet for donation request. On the first consecration, when the sun beam shone onto the gold pixiu after the ritual, I simultaneously entered into meditative stabilization and can see the yellow glow descended from direction of the sun in a bouncing manner (from point to point) unlike normal time when just the bright ray descended. I didn't think much about it, because from so many years of cultivation, one learns to treat these phenomenas and non phenomenas.

10 pairs from KDS Temple - All Requested by members and patrons

The female of the pair

I can feel that the PiXiu was energetically vibrating very strongly, but this kind of stuff also I do not go out and tell members about it. When I write on this blogpost of course I can share it out, because the PiXiu has all been requested out, to prevent any readers thinking that this Master is trying to peddle his stuff to request donation for the temple. 

After consecration for about 2 days, I asked my mum for safekeeping in her room(inside its own boxes for each individual piece) instead of leaving on my altar because I was going out of town, and we have weekly cleaners to our house. The next day when I was away, my mum called me up and told me somehow for the whole evening she could not sleep until wee hours of morning. Then she realize it could be the PiXiuS. The next evening, she put the boxes out from her room and everything went back to normal.

Meanwhile, my wife started wearing her PiXiu bracelet as well. Within 1 day, she was able to close 1 big project that have been hanging for past week going nowhere, with all the advantages on her side of the deal that previously it was a almost just a break even deal.

I was getting really excited because now 3 out of 3 person who wore it are having positive effects. On the final consecration day, the sun was shining extra bold, after the consecration the whole sun was totally shaded. I decided to just take a photo outside my balcony area to post on the whatsapp group for temple members, how the sun was totally shaded after the consecration.

PiXiu image on the clouds

One of the members immediately replied on the group that the cloud I captured looks like a shape of PiXiu. Well can you see it? I did not intent to look for shapes of cloud to capture, but it appears out in the sky, a phenomenon meaning the heavens is reflecting the activity below, which is a very auspicious sign.

Just as I was writing this blog, feedback from members came back on their experience with wearing Kam Dong San Temple PiXiu.

Member's testimony

Member's testimony
Not only the above testimonial on the result, another wearer went to visit one of her friend who is into all energy works etc. The moment he sense her energy (the wearer), he said he can sense she is being envelope by a very strong energetic force, and no wonder she is able to complete her sales target for 2 years in a span of months.

I am so happy for all those that have the opportunity to request the PiXiu from Kam Dong San Temple due to their generosity to support the temple maintenance fund.

Here are some links that you might find useful after reading the blog

Yin Yang Journal on Facebook

Kam Dong San Temple Penang