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Monday, November 29, 2010

Making of Invisible child

Babies foetus discovery in one of Bangkok temple have shocked many especially those of us who are living in neighbouring countries.

Many asked, why would the caretaker want to keep so many baby foetus in the temple grounds(approx 1,700). Sources from the news confirmed that most of them comes from the abortion clinic.

From the spiritual aspect, the caretaker could have been keeping these baby foetus to earn a profit. In Thai spiritual practice or 'Visha', unborn babies usually those who have met with accidents or for some tragic reason unable to be born can be used to practice and develop into child spirit commonly known as 'Kumanthong/Gumanthong'.

These child spirits, are then invited by others so that they can ask and request these child spirits to help them in their daily life such as protecting their house and properties.

Generally there are 2 different types of Kumanthong, one that is blessed and consecrated by high monks and those consecrated by normal practitioners of magic which in Thailand they are called Ajahn (Master).

Famous monk that can consecrate effective Kumanthong is Luang Phor Tae from Wat SangNagm. He is known as the first generation 'makers' of Kumanthong. After he passed away he is then succeeded by his disciple Luang Phor Yam. However their style of Kumanthong will have ashes of foetus on the statue. These ashes are usually obtain with permission of the parent when they cremate their child in temple grounds.

One of the many 'styles' of Kumanthong by Luang Phor Yam

Luang Phor Tae        

Luang Phor Yam

These spirits have usually taken refuge in Buddhism, therefore they cannot be instructed to do activities that violates Dharma. Such as harm others or do things that are considered illegal.

Explanations from monks that made these Kumanthong is that, because of the spirits negative karma they cannot take human form and have many obstacles causing untimely death before being born. By consecrating them into Kumanthong, it is in hope that they will gain merits in this form by helping their owners. When their merits are enough, then they would be able to be re-born as human. Those that invite Kumanthong, usually will be given a long list of do's and don't and to treat the spirit as one of their own child.

Then there are those that are consecrated by Visha practitioners or Ajahn, will have to depend on their lineage. Some considered Kumanthong consecrated by Ajahn are more 'flexible' when they request them to do activities that borders on the grey area.

For this recent case however, the caretaker has kept these foetus on his own. Most likely he will sell those foetus to Visha practitioners as a form of 'raw materials'. Many Visha that involved binding of spirits will usually need some form of shell for them to contain the spirit.

Which is why, you can see in darker amulets created by these practitioners will usually contain body parts of the dead people.

However sometime the Kumanthong consecrated by Ajahn may not contain a child spirit but in fact have a full grown spirit bind to the statue. Because if a normal lay person, without any extensive practice or cultivation, will not know what is actually in those statues. And also how those spirits are bind. Some are forcefully bind by the black Visha Ajahn. Therefore, if handled misappropriately it will back fire on the person and his family.

Then there is another version of child spirit which is called Lukok. To consecrate these type of spirits, usually they need a full foetus instead of just ash or bones. Lukok is more fierce are the Ajahn used the spirit of the foetus and train it to perform whatever activities requested by him.  

Some like to 'keep' Kumanthong to help them in sales, wooing of girls or guys and also increase their gambling luck.

Whether Kumanthong consecrated by these practitioners are effective or not is a very big question mark. Even with real Kumanthong, monks have informed that they cannot perform big task. They can only be requested to help in small ways such as looking out in the property, helping to draw some customers into shops etc. 

They cannot make you rich beyond your dreams, because your potential is already indicated in your destiny.

In universal law of karma, any activities requesting these spirits to violate the Dharma, would then be accounted to their 'owners'. In the end everyone needs to settle their 'debts' one way or the other.

How do I know so much about Thai Visha? Well that's another article on its own...:)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Animal Liberation - Paying up your karmic debts

Just received a call from my long term client last night. He updated me that his brother who is confirmed with prostate cancer stage 2, had recently undergo check up before his operation. Doctor has confirmed that his cancer cell has gone down to almost normal level.

About 2 months ago, his my client call me up and ask me to schedule a day so that I can fly to Johor Bahru to audit his brother's house. His brother is confirmed with cancer and he tried to do everything to help him.

Upon arrival at his home, I was informed that they just renovated their house after Chinese New Year 2010, and 3 months after that he went for medical check up and doctor confirmed he had cancer.

The house water exit and kitchen stove area is totally off for his Ba Zi- Chinese Astrrology base on year,month, day and time of birth. Even his sleeping position is wrong for his Ba Zi, although he has been sleeping in that location for almost 10 years. Health problems will usually surface when there is changes in the person's luck period. During good luck period, you will not notice much. However when the luck is not favorable, all of it will manifest.

After all Feng Shui suggestion, I sat personally with the couple and plainly told them their situation. When you are diagnosed with cancer, you will need all the leverage you can get.

1. Environment must be supportive - the qi is right for your recovery.
2. Changing your lifestyle and diet, because that is the thing that got you into this present problem.
3. Do a lot of animal liberation - destiny that you born with have some pre-determine factor, and that pre-determine factor is karma. Terminal desease is usually stems from manifestation or ripening of our bad karma. Karma in simplistic term means your debts to other sentient beings as a result of your previous action and intention.

Point 1 and 2 we have already settled, now to solve point 3, it needs a lot of your own effort. One of the most efficient way is through animal liberation. Benefiting other sentient beings so that they have a chance to be free from untimely death and suffering will create the cause for you to purify your bad karma.

They took my advice to heart, on the first animal liberation, they released 1000 birds. And have been doing it consistently. And from their feedback, it seems the purification is working powerfully with other things they have done.

Am I saying that animal liberation will cure cancer? No. It will reduce the cause of your desease and manifest and ripen your good karma. If it is not too severe, it will even help overcome the desease from the spiritual angle.

Sometimes it also takes good karma to read, understand and put to practice this information. Think about it and then start doing it!