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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Test from The Demon Within

I have met many people on the spiritual cultivation path. More often that not, after about 10-15 minutes into conversation, a lot would like to talk about spiritual attainments or spiritual powers.

Most of the people who got interested into spiritual path is also due to wishing to have extra sensory skills compare to others in modern society. Take a look at meditation class that talks about spiritual ability attendance usually would be full when compared to those meditation classes for mind stillness and so on.

And those that walk the path of spiritual cultivation, there will always be test and exams along the way. For some, they think tests and exams are things for when you are in schools, colleges and universities. Oh yes, spiritual path is filled with tests along the way and unlike educational institutions, there is no advance notification on the tests and exams that they will give you.

Usually tests and examinations on the spiritual path will be on your weakest link either in your character or the mind or both. Then it will also be separated into small test, such as events that occur in your dreams and see how you react. There will be also real life exams, which you will walk or thrown into situations, push to the extreme to test your own fortitude, strength, commitment and also the will to walk the path. 

Small test such as when a person have taken a vow to abstain from eating certain food. In one of their unsuspecting dreams, they will be in a situation where friends or people they know offer them the abstained food. If in the dream they suddenly realised and rejected the food, then they would have passed the test. If not, then their cultivation would have to drag on further before another test comes along.
Image from

Examinations however are a whole different ball game. If you have greed, you will be tested on situations where you will have opportunities to earn a lot of money however it will be at the expense of others. You will need to do something that goes against basic moral vows. The situation is real and the money rewards are also real. However if you failed the exam, the consequences will be a down hill road on your cultivation. Some took years to recover from one failure while others do not recover at all.

Some who are weak on relationship or particularly on controlling their sexual urges, when an exam comes along, out of the blue you will meet with someone who are highly attractive towards you, and although you may have a family or in a steady relationship, then how you react, whether to follow through on your urges will determine on whether you continue walking further and higher on path or to fail miserably and lose respect of not only others but family and close ones as well.

There are even cases where those who lost their sanity as a result of being unable to get through the exam. Buddhism called it Demon/Mara Within 心魔.

The Demon Within is much scarier than the ones outside as your subconscious knows you better than yourself. No matter how far a person walks on the spiritual path, there will always be tests and exams. There is no exception and the stakes will only get higher as one progress along the path.

The only solution is to develop integrity, congruency and also honesty before ones walks the path and continue to remind oneself the higher purpose of their cultivation.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Oil of Compassion

Most common spiritual oil that many in the Asian region are familar with are  Thai Tradition Female Ghost Oil 尸油 Nam Man Prai. This type of oil is commonly used for mind control (love, submission, slave) and seduction. It is gathered from dead body of pregnant lady died in unnatural death and extracted through burning of candle beneath the chin of the body. 

We will not go into detail of it, as basically the spirit of the pregnant lady is bind to the oil and force to do the bidding of the owners or makers. Bad effects for both the user and those being used on. And the real oil(market is filled with fake and diluted version) from qualified maker does not come cheap, somewhere around USD4000 - USD5000 to have bad karma until eternity.

Well this blog post is about a totally different type of oil,  spiritual power of oil from natural sources is very powerful and have all the positive effects without the karmic side effects. Something that warrants me blog about it.

As human beings, our first sense to develop while in our mother's womb is the olfactory sense (sense of smell). Although after birth, our other immediate senses such as sight and sound took over as the main conscious sense, the olfactory sense remain as one which have the strongest penetration into our unconscious mind and also into our core memory.

Which explains why when you smell a certain smell, such as vanilla or a certain flowers it instantly brings you back to one of your earliest memory in connection to that smell. 

For a start, this Oil of Compassion have a distinct and unique smell which immediately captures attention in very positive appealing aura. Unfortunately blogs and mainstream new media are unable to let readers experience or smell the scent. I still cannot find a suitable description to accurately describe the scent. The keyword is attention grabbing, non intrusive and appealing. Some friends told me the scent is close to Tom Ford's Black Orchid Perfume

The next question is what is it made of ? The maker of this oil showed to me that it is made entirely from plant base sources. The key ingredient is this root.

And through process of fermentation with other natural plant ingredients which the maker consider it as secret, the oil is the successfully made. Some of the earliest maker of strong spiritual oils are indigenous tribes. Through observation of the mystical effects of different types of trees in nature that are able to attract different types of animals such as birds and insects that are naturally attracted to it.

Spiritually what does it do?

The function of the oil is to neutralize all negative energy of the surrounding (as far as the subtle scent can be smell). Then it naturally calms the mind and allow one to focus distinctively.

What are the effects? Well if there is a crowd or just a single individual, it will create the atmosphere of minimal negativity, more openness and also direct pleasant communication. A perfect environment to generate good rapport once the negative energy is neutralize.

It is also perfect for meditation. The oil can be burn on a heat diffuser, generate a calming and focus environment which is the perfect state of mind for meditation.

It has also been tested in sales situation, boardroom meeting, tense negotiation and even civil courtroom over a 3 year period. Each time all those involved experience positive effect and tense situation was  'diffuse' to its minimum.

Where to request for it?

Dakiniworld recently have a batch in stock. there is a strong caution, as all natural occurring energy susbtances, if the will or intention of the person to use it for harmful and negative way, the consequences will be very bad not only karmically for the user, but the immediate retribution effect will also be shocking.

Friday, September 18, 2015

My Affinity with The Monkey God

My journey in Taoism started like everybody else, from disbelieving to believing to knowing and then to letting others know.

Affinity with the Monkey God, it all started with a dream. This is long before I met my friend in London Eddie Wong. That is the part where Tao Fa begins...this is kinda like a prequel to that.

Journey into Tao Fa is here

I can barely remember the dream, because at that time I have the slightest idea that one day I will be working for Taoism in this way. I dreamt of The Monkey God 齊天大聖 in my dream, flying high above the clouds and looking down on me. That's the vivid part that I can still remember until today.

After the dream, I have decided maybe it is time for me to have a statue of The Monkey God on my home altar. At that time, I was still living in my parents house. Therefore basically is to have a statue on our altar. Just starting out on my training business at that time, barely had any money.

Then out of the blue after a few days, one of my uncle asked me to go audit his house Feng Shui. I was still learning at that time, anyway I have decided to helped him out. The coincidence part was that, this uncle of mine had his own factory of making Taoist deities statue locally. After the complimentary audit, he asked me do I need any statues? The timing could not be better.

After I received the statue, I went to a local Guan Yin temple and asked the monk there to consecrate it for me. My knowledge and protocol on Taoism was almost nil at that time.

After about 3 years, I had the opportunity to buy my own home. And the first and only deity that I wanted to install at my home altar was The Monkey God. I could not move the statue from my parents house as we were not living together at that time. When the medium came to consecrate the Monkey God at my new place, he told me that the deity had been with me for more than 20 years! 

I was surprised, because my interest in Taoism was only about 3 years at that time. Prior to that, I do not even hold the joss stick except for Chinese New Year or some major celebration. Then the medium added that the affinity started when I was a child and have asked helped from The Monkey God before. When I counter check with my dad, indeed when I was child and had some illness, he remembered that he went to a Monkey God Temple in town and asked for the deity's help.

My communication with the Monkey God at my home was basically using the oracle. When I first started thinking about going to Kam Dong San in Ipoh, I have also consulted the Monkey God at my home altar before everything else.

When my eldest son was about 2 years old, he always played in front of the Monkey God altar as his toy stash were just beside the altar near the wall. One evening as he was playing there, I came home late and was just changing the water offering at the altar. Out of the blue, I had an instinct that told me to look to the right while I was facing the Monkey God altar. To my big surprise, there is a green coloured snake slithering on top of some of my son's toy. The snake end up coiling at the corner of all his toys. If I had not look to that direction at that specific moment, I would have missed it. And I could not imagine what my son or the snake would do when he play with his toys.

That's just one of the incident how the Deity protected my family. After I learned Tao Fa and have a dedicated room for all the Taoist Deities in my house. I have asked the Monkey God many times whether he would like to relocate to the altar room, his answer was a direct no - not only asking through meditative stabilization but also a direct no when I asked through the oracle.

When we finally decided to start Kam Dong San Temple, I have enquired with the main deities on the arrangement of the statues. The Monkey God was to be placed first and foremost at the front as the Head Marshall of the Temple. Which explains the reason, when a person offers incense at Kam Dong San Temple, the first urn to offer is one which belongs to Qi Tian Da Sheng 齊天大聖 The Monkey God. 
Statue of Qi Tian Da Sheng at Kam Dong San

He not only save me once when I was a child, in my most darkest and dangerous moment of despair in Tao Fa, he was the deity that pulled me out and pulled me through (well that is another blog post). 

Some Taoist scholars would like to argue that the Monkey God does not exist and only worshipped after the Wu Cheng'en work on Journey to the West. And some also said most of the inspiration came from Ramayana's Hanuman. In Tibetan Buddhism he is considered one of the protectors of Amitabha. Journey to the West could be just a story, but this deity is real.

Kam Dong San Temple would be celebrating Qi Tian Da Sheng 齊天大聖千秋 this coming Sunday 20 September 2015. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Another Shadow from Her Body

This case came to our temple 2 months ago, just right after our Annual Fund Raising Dinner. . This lady is a relative of one of our temple member.

When she told me about her encounters, she was also not sure whether it is anything spiritual or whether she needs help or not. She told me she went for a movie in a local cinema with some friends. Before the movie starts, she felt a bit dizzy and headache and thought it was just tiredness.

Then when she turn back from her seat at the cinema, she saw all the seats was moving as if in a forward wavy manner. She was surprised and ask her friends to look at it, however they did not see anything strange. That was the beginning.

The following week she went to some chalet stay by the beach, in the middle of the night she can hear very loud screams near her room and she could not sleep the whole night. After she came back from her trip, she have trouble sleeping at night.

Taoist Deities confirmed that she had some encounters with spiritual entity, however it is not as serious as possession yet.

So I gave her 3 Talisman to ingest, one every evening and advice her, if she have any out of ordinary dreams then she can come back to the temple again.

After about 1 month, she came back to the temple with her daughter and requested to see me. I thought she had some different dreams or encounters. She told me, after ingestion of the 1st talisman, during the night she felt very uncomfortable, then suddenly she saw in a brief moment as if another shadow leaving her body. After that, she felt a strong relieved. She said she completed the 3 day ingestion of talisman.

And the reason she wanted to see me was to ask me, whether she is now alright. "If there is no more strange dreams and you can sleep well,  you should be ok" - I told her.

Encounter with entities can happen anywhere and any time. Especially when your luck@life force is down, then the person becomes a likely candidate.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Hornets and Breaking the No Killing Precepts

Currently recovering from a 2 month long of skin problems and complication. My whole ordeal started from about 3 months back. 

Somewhere in May 2015, I discovered that hornets have been building up a nest on the top floor roof of my house. Everyday I can see some hornet having a fix regular flight path around the top floor, as I got curious and observed where they end up, only to discover that they were already building up their nest up the size of small soccer ball which was hidden from plain sight.

I got really worried when I saw the nest, because there were simultaneously about 5-6 hornets flying around the nest and building in a fast pace. I have tried calling local pest control company, and was told that they do not handle hornet nest, they suggested that I called up the local fire department.

After calling up the local fire department, they told me that even they do not handle it, but I was passed onwards to the Local Defense Department. After got the details from me, they came that very same evening, all don up in bee protective clothing. They did not just took the nest away, but lit up a gasoline torch and burn the whole nest down. In total I can see the body count is about 50-60 hornets not including the larvae.

In my heart, I was thinking that this is really going to be some real bad effects on my karma later on. Some hornets which were not in their nest during the burning, still came back circling and hope to re-build their nest. Those left over hornets, was chase away with insecticides.

About a month after this incident, one day after my usual jog, I have discovered something like spider bite near my shoulder blade area. With itchy hands and did not think much about it, I went ahead and try to press the pustules on my skin at the shoulder blade area. Within 12 hours, I develop high fever and saw a red patch extend from my shoulder blade down onwards to my chest area.

The next morning, I immediately rush to a skin specialist and was diagnose that I have a boil and by pressing on it, I have push the toxin downwards and into my blood stream. Doc said that I need strong antibiotics for 1 week and the infection was getting systemic. After 1 week, the shoulder blade area was heal. Then I started notice that I've develop another boil below the chin on my neck!

Again went back to the skin specialist and was given another 1 week course of antibiotics. When I antibiotics was about to finish, I noticed another small pimple like growth next the the recovering boil. I decided to rub some garlic on and around the area, then in the evening I applied some antibiotic cream.   

Within the same evening, I have a painful sensation below my chin and when I check it out on the mirror, from one small pimple - now I have a whole patch of skin below my neck full of something like multiple boils. Again I went back to the skin specialist and was diagnosed as having multiple furuncles and was given another course of antibiotics. 

By this time, my under my chin, there is already accumulation of abscess. I was in pain through out the night, cannot manage to sleep for the first 24 - 48 hours. After 3 weeks of antibiotic up till then, the furuncles reduced, however I still have abscess the size of half of ping pong ball. It was not reducing and going away. And the multiple boils under my chin really looked like a hornet nest!

Then I tried many types of home remedy, but all did not helped and when I applied manuka honey on it, it really got to the worst condition. The multiple furuncles re-appear and my abscess area got larger! I know I was in a mess, rush to see the skin specialist again and was given another course of mix of antibiotics. The doc told me, if there is no improvement in my condition, he will have to cut up the abscess below my chin, on my neck to release the abscess. 

Deep down inside, I know that this is not so much about medical treatment only, I have to do something spiritually as it is obvious that my skin problem was not going away after so many visits to the dermatologist and the prospect of being cut a knife below the chin really got me into spiritual panic mode.

When I went back home, I request the help of Guan Yin and pledge to complete 49 Little Houses 小房子 within 7 weeks (What is Little Houses? Find out from . Yes, no Taoist talisman is going to take the medical condition away, as the problem itself has already develop into full fledge karmic effect. As I was about to get up from kneeling in front of my Buddhist altar, suddenly I got a clear message in my head "Bodhisattva are afraid of causes, while sentient beings are afraid of the effects, if you are so worried about the effects now - why did you commit the action in the first place?" Uncontrollable tears roll down my cheek, as I deeply regretted my own downfall of my cultivation and inability to hold my precepts.

Within 2 weeks I was able to complete the chanting of 49 Little Houses, as I was literally in retreat mode - chanting starts from early morning 0630 and usually would finish around 11pm in the evening with 3 recitation of 88 Buddha Repentance Lithurgy. After the 1st week and completed more than half of the required chanting, my abscess reduce dramatically, when I went to the dermatologist for check up, he was quite surprised that I have recovered tremendously. He told me that he thought he would need to 'cut me up' at some point. But by the rate I am recovering, he said that he does not need to do that anymore.

Also my deepest gratitude to Tshewong Sitar Rinpoche for his help on conducting Yamantaka Puja on my behalf even though he was in his teaching tour in France. And also my deepest appreciation to Padtselling Rinpoche for including me in his major long life and obstacle eradication puja. Also special thanks goes out to Bro Eric Lew for his constant dedication to me in his daily recitation of Di Zang Wang Sutra.

When I recovered almost 80%, one afternoon my eldest sister called me up. She said that she just took her son to a doctor and his son was having something like a small pimple under his chin. He kept on asking my sister to show to the doc (whom is also a skin specialist). My sister thought it was not something to worried about, but the doc reminded my sister, if untreated it could develop into folliculitis. 

I goggled 'folliculitis' and that was exactly my condition. It was not multiple furuncles as diagnosed by the dermatologist. I have decided to seek this doctors opinion, he gave me some meds for folliculitis and have since discovered 90% and more.

Moral of the story

1. Never kill any sentient being for any reason. I was lucky in a way, 'they' decided to come after me when I as young. I would not know what would happen if they decide to manifest much later in my life.

2. Learn up and develop a habit of mantra chanting, when you are in deep karmic end - no other people have the resources or time to help you except yourself. Others can give you only a temporary lift, it requires normal strong cultivation habit to save yourself.

3. If you are considering to remove certain pest in or around your house through methods of KILLING - don't this may be the only warning you will receive.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why am I excited about Kam Dong San Handbook?

Taking 1.5 years to compile since we felt the need to have a handbook that compromise all our regular practice and something a new person can keep with them and refer from time to time.

Hence the Kam Dong San Handbook.

It contains photos of 
1. 22 Taoist Deities and Ksitigarbha of Kam Dong San Temple
2. Smoke/Sang Offering Guidelines.
3. Animal/Fish Liberation procedures
4. Heart Mantras for different Buddhas.
5. Essential Mantras of Great Compassionate Dharani, Heart Sutra, Amitabha Rebirth Mantra
6. Tibetan Auspicious Invitation of all Buddhas, bodhisatvas, and all supporting  8 direction deities and higher beings.
7. Taoist Protection Talismans

Printed mantras alone would be considered huge blessings. What's more so many procedures contain in the handbook to benefit sentient beings, increase a person's merit, protect yourself and surrounding space through consecrated Taoist talisman on the front and back of the handbook.

Truly a Taoist and Buddhist Gem. If one is able to use the content on a daily basis, definitely the individual would be able to gather tremendous amount of merits. 

Even if you don't know how to use, by having the handbook alone and bringing it with you whenever you travel. Will serve as a good protection of your unfamiliar temporary space due to the consecrated talisman contain in the book.

What's more, distribution is free - only condition - treat with utmost respect.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Promise

This incident happen more than 10 years ago.  My first Yin Feng Shui 阴宅风水 project is to handle my own ancestor's tomb. It is one of the key requirement to do Yin Feng Shui in our lineage.

And I started with a big one, because at that time I have to co-ordinate 4 of my ancestors and senior relatives separate tombs into 1 tomb. While at the same time, I have to also arrange and do the tomb of my late grandmother who just passed away at that time.

I have selected a good Feng Shui spot for the relocation of my ancestors and have also seek the opinion of my master. After which, my cousin who is living in Perlis, Malaysia have to ask permission from local clan association to acquire the land.

As my ancestors was considered pioneer of the area, because I am already a 4th generation Chinese in Malaysia. Anyhow initially we have acquired the land without any problems after my tedious selection, the vein of the hill flows perfectly to the spot that I have selected, and the strangest thing was it was covered by tree branch on the lower edge, therefore nobody thought of acquiring it as it was almost invisible to the naked eye for several decades.

After my cousin informed me of the good news, problems start arising, as there was a tomb on a higher ground above the area where I had selected, the family members of that plot of land started making big 'hoo hah' on why we do not have the right to acquire the land and many other sorts of problem.

My cousin had to go for meetings after meetings with the local clan association in order to sort out the problem and it was coming to a deadlock.

Therefore on one afternoon, before he went again to a meeting, I went into meditative stabilization in my home in Penang and trying to seek out the land deity of the tomb area. In my meditation, I saw an old man wearing all white appearing, I asked him if he was the local deity. He informed me he had been there even before the hill became a cemetery ground. However, there was not any altar or temple built for offerings to the local land deity of that area.

Then I told him our family problem, and asked whether he could help. He told me he can, then I made a promise to him in which if my family tomb was successfully erected on the area that I have selected on that hill, then I will build up a small local deity house for him and also do offerings to him each year when I am in Perlis for Qing Ming. He smiled and agreed and I came out from my meditative state.

I quickly called up my cousin, asked him to bring some curry chicken, ginger rice and also a big stack of gold paper money to go to the hill area and just burn it. When I call him it was almost late afternoon. After 1 hour of so, he called me back. He told me that after he made offering at the hill, when he burn the big stack of paper money, there was a sudden gush of very strong wind.

The next day, I received a call from my cousin again that our obstacle on the acquisition of the land has been settled amicably.

After few weeks, when the relocation is ready and tomb constructed, I was back in Perlis again to make the final adjustment on the tombstone, aligned the skull on my ancestors in the new urn after their exhumation before placing them in the new tomb.

I still remember that when I completed the tomb alignment, the sky was quite dark and ready to rain. Some of my cousins and relatives were telling me, its going to rain soon and lets get down from the hill. I told them don't worry it wouldn't rain until I have make the adjustment to the local earth deity house. I went down the hill, installed and make adjustment to the local earth deity house as promised, when I finished the alignment and walk towards my car, the rain came pouring down.
Previously there was a huge tree behind the earth deity house that we have erected. After the build the Tua Pek Kong Temple, the tree was chopped down and remove. However the local earth deity was not invited into the temple.
Done Smoke or in Tibetan called Sang Offering to the local earth deity and also unvisited grave in that area.

After many years have passed, the local clan association whom are owners of the area, decided to build up the Tua Pek Kong Temple next to the cemetery as in custom of all Chinese cemetery. However they did not manage to invite the local earth deity into the temple area. Therefore every year when I am back for Qing Ming, I still bring a big incense and also do smoke offerings for the local deity and also all the unvisited graves of the area.
View from my ancestors grave . The Tua Pek Kong Temple on the right. 

In the spiritual world, your word is the only measure of character and also your cultivation. Unlike the physical world, where words are cheap to many people - in the formless world it brings strong influence on any future help that you seek or request as your reputation spreads fast on whether you are a man/woman of your words or just a plain ignorant.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

After more than 10 years

Started at a room at the back of my house, after about 10 years we are now

1. Hosting Dharma activity for esteemed Rinpoches and helped more than 100 people taken refuge.
2. Collectively dedicated more than 7,000,000 mantras
3. Released more than 100,000 lives
4. Distributed more than 5000 vege dinners
5. Hosted more than 100 Celebrations for various deities in Kam Dong San.

How time flies and it still seems that this is just the beginning !!

Friday, January 30, 2015

How to Prepare Taoist Altar for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year 2015 is just around the corner. During this period, many people would be thinking on how to clean their altar to celebrate the coming new year.

Cleaning a Taoist altar, there are some guidelines in which I  will explain on this posting.

The first question that people usually ask me is that, do we need to select a date to clean the altar?
There are no specific date needed. If you are particular, the best time to clean would be on the 14th day of the 12th Lunar Month 十二月十四 (2 Feb 2015). After cleaning then you can do so offering on the next day which is the 15th day of the 12th Lunar Month.

What are the materials to prepare?

1. Clean NEW paint brush, or a paint brush that is totally dedicated to clean only your altar. The brush you are not going to use it to paint! but to brush off the incense residue and also accumulated dust.

2. Prepare 5 different colours flower.

3. Clean NEW cloth

4. Clean NEW bucket to contain cleaning water.

How to clean.

Clean your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe it dry before touching anything on the altar.

1. Remove all incense base sticks  (red ones) from the urn and put it into a container - as you are supposed to burn all the base sticks once you clear them.

1. Use the clean brush, dust off all the incense residue if any from your statue. However, you cannot dust the Face of the statue, the rest is ok.

Tai Sui General Statues from

2. After dusting off the statue(S) then use the brush to dust off remaining residue from the altar table.

3. Use the 5 different colours flower, place it onto the clean bucket fill it with half cold and half boiling water. So it will be lukewarm. Use the water and the clean new cloth, soak the cloth into the lukewarm flower water and then squeeze it dry and wipe the altar table.

4. There is no need to wipe the statue or the incense urn. They are suppose to be dry as long as they are on the altar. Therefore having a brush to dust it off is crucial.

5. After you have completed the cleaning and wiping process. Arrange all things back into order, meaning arranging the offering cups etc.

After all the arrangement is done back into place, then you can offer incense (3 sticks) on all the available incense urns.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Oh Yes Babies !!

Sam and his wife first visit to Kam Dong San Temple was 2 years ago. They were introduced by my temple committee and disciple Peter.

They consulted spiritually on how the deities could help them for successful conceiving and pregnancy. After their second visit, they approached Peter to help them asked me, whether I can go to their apartment and do Feng Shui audit. I gladly oblige and all my consulting fees was donated back to the temple, because the medium highlighted that there was something wrong with their house Feng Shui.

After I have audited their house, adviced them on some changes. Both Sam and his wife continue to participate in many of our temple activities. Spiritually I have also adviced both of them to read the Ksitigarbha Sutras many times to dedicate to their un-successful pregnancy attempt.

Sam and his wife were also very diligent in participating in our monthly fish liberation. He and his wife continue to chant many Great Compassionate Dharani, Heart Sutras everyday. He also did his Sang Offering consistently.

Sam also ended up become temple disciple and then also my Tao Fa disciple in 2014. Great news came when his wife Hooi Yee was pregnant with twins! The receiving of 2015 Tai Sui General Ceremony also coincided with the twin babies full moon.

Everyone in Kam Dong San is very happy and great rejoice to the new addition to Sam's family. Twin baby boy and girl. Their names was also selected by our main Kam Dong San Deities.

Kam Dong San Temple :

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Trick to Money is Having Some - Part 2 (Final)

This is the 2nd part of the Trick To Money is Having Some. For part 2, I am going to emphasise on how to seek spiritual help in obtaining wealth. This will only work, if you are completely immerse with my part 1 posting

Taoist Method.

  1. Earth God at Home/Office 地神
    Earth God in Taoist system of belief represents, the local earth deities. Slightly higher than spirits, they are bound to the area, place or home. Every home/area or office has its own assigned local earth deities. If you already have a Earth God in your home/office, the practice is to regularly do proper offering.
    Proper means regular offering of tea and water. 1st and 15th day of the Lunar Month, make more elaborate offering of fruits. You can also regularly make gold paper offering. Common offerings of biscuits, sweets and chocolates are also encouraged.
    Some homes that I have visited, they have Earth God setup, but no water offering, no tea offering. The urns are messy, cobwebs around. They only thing they do is just offer incense when ever they are free. This is a sure way to get problems from Earth bound deities. Because unlike higher Deities, they still have a lot attachments.
Earth Deities of Kam Dong San Temple (

  1. God of Wealth 財神
    Some will have consecrated God of Wealth in their home/office, in this case we are mentioning 趙公明元帥. You can also visit temple that have this Deity. The best time is during his celebration which is on 5th day of the 1st Lunar Month. Bring offerings such as fruits, biscuits, chocolates, juices etc. Remember don't be stingy, if you have read part 1 posting then you will know what is the mind set to have. Request for blessings and also for good ideas! Why good ideas? 1 idea can make you millions.

    Don't request for 4D or lottery, that is hard to come by, because it will need a strong luck on your side to fulfilled it.

Vajrayana Method.

In Buddhism the basic core idea of wealth, is the ability to detach from it. Not get more of attachment! However as mentioned in part 1, when your motivation is different, then wealth is still greed, but greed with a higher purpose, which is to help others. If your sole motivation to practice any wealth method in Vajrayana for your own selfish ego, no matter how dedicated you are, it won't have any results.

  1. Sang Offering/Smoke Offering
    Sang offering is a practice where the practitioner gathers dry food such as grains, sugars, rice, medicine, incense and blend it into powder form. Then the powder is burn and the smoke aroma becomes an offering to all higher deities and karmic debtors. This particular offering is especially helpful in clearing obstacles in your life. As manifestation of obstacles are usually your karmic debtors who are in the way of what ever that you may try to accomplish. Some Sang offering practice requires empowerment from a Lama or Rinpoche while some does not require empowerment.
  2. Jambhala Practice
    Whenever there is a Rinpoche in town offering Jambhala Initiation, whether it is White, Yellow, Black,Green or Red Jambhala you will see throngs of people lining up. Many have the mistaken notion that once you get the initiation, wealth will be upon you.

    To practice any Jambhalas, first few requirements are highlighted in part 1. Without the correct mindset, no result can be obtain from your practice. However if you are practicing for the well beings of others, Jambhala practice will be very swift.

General Method.

  1. Do donation. Donation? you may ask, you may also be saying that you don't have any to give. The reason you are reading this posting is how to get money, not give it away. Because you are not clear of the rules, which is why you have problems getting it. Give or donate to a charity that can benefit lots of people immediately. Why immediately, because the idea is to gather worldly merits that can help in your financial prosperity. Keep in mind however that it is a lower motivaton to donate and expect something in return from the universe. The highest motivation would be donate without any notion of expectation. Until you reach there, this is the way to start.

  2. Practice Liberation. Liberation of animals especially fishes, helps you to gather merits or worldly merits fast. This is because through life liberation, essentially you are helping the animals/fishes to extend their life without fear. This type of merits would help your tremendously if you have a lot of karmic debtors.

If you are totally down and out, without anything to give, then give your time and your attention to a charity organization. There is always something you can contribute, for you to slowly gather some forms of merits. When you have more then you can start to practice on the methods that I have recommended here. The idea is to start, or else you can never go to where you want by standing still.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Gift of Thanks....

Happy 2015 ! May all you benevolent wishes come true for 2015 !

Just before Christmas 2014, our temple Kam Dong San ( receive a gift from our renovation contractor Mr. Saw

He was in charge for much of our temple renovation. When I met Mr. Saw about a month back, he was asking me whether how much did our temple charge for spiritual help. I told him we did not charge any amount, usually any token of appreciation/donation is accepted.

He then relayed to me that his daughter's newly renovated apartment in the Macallum area had some spiritual disturbance. He told me when the daughter came back from KL (Kuala Lumpur) and stayed in her new apartment with some friends, they will hear strange noise in the kitchen at night, like people open and shut the kitchen door. The daughter's friend even saw some shadow floating around in the area of the apartment. After this incident, his daughter refuse to stay in the newly renovated apartment.

Mr Saw, then asked me whether I need to visit the site to confirm. I just asked him to come up to KDS Temple to offer some incense to all deities before we can help him.

The following week, he came with his wife, I have prepared 2 talisman for him. 1 to burn in the middle of the home, the other to stick on the front main door.  He further asked me if there is big problem. I assured him that it was just some spirit passing by, nothing to worry about.

I can see from his face that he was actually quite skeptical, because I did not give him anything else. Just 2 piece of yellow paper!

Mr Saw did mentioned to me during one of our conversations when he was renovating our temple , in which during his younger days he was quite interested in Taoism especially Tao Fa. Therefore he had known many of our 'pioneer' Master in this field. He was very curious young man and where ever there are known Tao Fa Master he would always visit their temple. Sadly however many of those legendary figures in Tao Fa have already move on from this plane.

When we received this trolley gift from him, it was due to his gratitude on the help we have rendered him. His daughter's apartment no longer had strange noises, the daughter now have no problem staying in the apartment whenever she is back in Penang. And he now sees the effect of the deities protection through the simple 2 piece of yellow paper.