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Monday, April 8, 2024

Necromancers and Continuing of Lineage

 Necromancy (/ˈnɛkrəmænsi/)[1][2] is the practice of magic involving communication with the dead by summoning their spirits as apparitions or visions for the purpose of divination; imparting the means to foretell future events and discover hidden knowledge. Sometimes categorized under death magic, the term is occasionally also used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft a whole.

When we discuss about White and so call Dark Magic, usually the discussion of continuation of lineages for these branch of magic is often not mentioned at all. 

Many would presume, anyone would be able to learn or on the opposite end of spectrum only those who have been chosen can learn it.

It is a mixture of both criteria. This blog post we will specifically mentioned on the Necromancers continuation of lineage especially within traditions of South East Asia and also Asia as a whole.

Death Magic or those who has ability to communicate, invite, summon, control and even banish spirits/ghost are those belonging to the necromancy branch of dark magic. Dark in a sense here means their modus operandi deals with passed away human in forms of  spirits, ghost, entities and other forms of dark energies.

In actual fact, dark or black magic does not mean it is evil, just that the branches of magic uses ritual that will be consider dark to the human psyche.

In normal White Magic traditions, continuation of lineage usually is through initiations of lineage with their particular Main Deities be it Angels/Devas some can also be different forms of Higher Spirits/Entities that has direct link to their lineages or descendants.

For White Magic, when the continuation of lineage occurs usually is the Main Lineage Holder pass on their main lineage object(s) that hold significant meaning and power to the disciple that is entrusted upon continuing the lineage. Usually these objects are sacred objects such as staff, sceptre or any material related to creation of white magic process.

For necromancers lineage and line however, the lineage is passed on with not only sacred objects within the lineage but also the personal relics of previous masters.

For example, I have known a necromancer lineage in which each generation of master will pass on their own skull piece (near to brow bones which is 3rd eye location)

If the lineage span for 5 generations then the current lineage holder would have at least 4 skull piece of their past Masters. It is said that each generation of lineage holder would need to acquire their just passed away  master’s skull piece in order for deceased master to move on spiritually. If it is not done, the lineage would have a locked curse to hold their consciousness till oblivion.

There are other necromancer lineage however that would need the ashes of their previous master to be made into chanting beads as holy object for the current lineage holder.

Although from the outlook, this practice seems like taboo, however for necromancers, whom are use to harnessing the power of spirits this is logical for the continuation of lineage and also their previous Masters to bless each subsequent generations

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Black Crow Sect of Ancient Khmer

Lately I have a chance to be acquainted to a disciple of the Black Crow Sect. 

What is the Black Crow Sect all about? It is a lineage of black sorcery order that stems from an ancient line of family lineage from the Ancient Khmer era.

This line of sorcery lineage only specialised in the dark arts of sorcery and witchcraft. Their main Deity that they pay homage to is the Black Crow Deity. 

In the ancient Khmer, the royal palace would have a Black Crow Lineage Sorcerer as advisor on all occult matters. The advisor would also serve as protector of the royal family from any spiritual harm.

Each generation of Black Crow Sect practitioner have strict dark precepts to adhere to such as living the life as loner and are not allow to marry and take on a family life.

In terms of executing their sorcery or involved in spiritual engagement with others, if they use the Black Crow Deity method then they will need to capture the soul of their opponent as gift to their Deity. Meaning they have to fight till either the opponent lose their life or they will have to pay with their life.

This is a very dark and ruthless form of requirement which means each practitioner will not have any hold back when engaging their enemy or opponent. Although certain Mao Shan lineage have 绝教 Ruthless requirements, it is only limit to not having family. This is also for their disciples of the lineage to go all out without any worry for possible backlash on their descendants.

But for the Black Crow Sect is to end the life of each enemy or opponent in each engagement or one would need to end one’s life if fail to do so. Therefore making them a very fearful group of sorcerer to have as an enemy or opponent.

Although all these may sound like some background story for movie storyline, the last surviving Black Crow Sect Master is still alive and well in Cambodia today. 

He has take on some disciples, and I have manage to be acquainted to one of his disciple to get to know about their lineage. The uniqueness of Black Crow Sect when they engage their magic/sorcery/force they grounds whether they do their magic will definitely have presence of crows even though you cannot spot any crow before they begin the ceremony.