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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Insidious Adventures

I have been meditating since I was in primary school, secondary school gotten more serious about it and when I was exposed to Buddhism and Taoism then there is meditation of letting go and meditative stabilisation of working in the spiritual level. Amid all these experiences, I am still a very noob in meditation in the language of my teenage son.

Few years back, I use to have experiences of wandering off in my dreams during my sleep. Meaning dreaming of strange places or neighbourhoods which is dark or usually on a cloudy day. And most of the time these dreams are vivid and lucid. After few adventures of this kind, I enquire with a fellow senior master...he just told me you don't wander off at night after you sleep.

What he meant was, my soul or consciousness likes to go out of my body during my sleep. And most of the time I ended somewhere in Bardo states of consciousness in other words lower realms. Although I did not experience any harm in my dream, usually I would met up with dead relatives and their first word to me would be something like "How come you are here?"

Anyway I have figure a way to lock my consciousness and not to allow myself to uncontrollably wander off in my dreams. Since then work pretty well, coz I do not have weird dreams or vivid dreams anymore. If you know me, you would know that showing up in my dream is usually not a good thing as it is a sign from either Deities that something is coming next few days or weeks for the other person or myself.

Well last week, I had one of those dreams and it was worth sharing here. I dreamt one of my old friend and disciple 'K' was driving me and my family just down a village road, and when the car came to a simple bridge, the bridge was slightly curved. Instead of following the curve and just drive across the bridge, he decided to speed up and make a drastic turn, of course then the car would flew to the left side of the bridge and land on the river...somehow in the dream and he was about to land, I told him land further near the river bed and true enough he did (It was a dream!)

After we had a slight rough landing, we walked out of the car safely, nobody was injured in the dream. But soon a lot of villagers show up, they were not the friendly type, look quite hostile and were pointing towards me and K.

Quickly I told K lets slowly walked out of here, they do not dare to touch us and slowly we walked on the village road arriving to some stores in the village. Slowly however more villagers notice our arrival and they are in not friendly gestures, I told K in my dreams, lets take shelter in this corner shop house, it has chinese wording on it, looks something like a 1960s coffee shop. Anyhow we entered the cafe, locked the door, the we try to take some sneak peek through the windows of the shop. I can see those villagers are not locals of Malaysia. Local here means they are not Chinese, Indian or Malay people. Looks a bit native with languages I could not understand in the dream.

Then after a while, I told K that we better leave this place before the whole village shows up and then most likely we will be trapped. I slowly leave the shop house and walk down the road out of the village. Some stood on the side and stare at us but no harm came to us. Then I woke up in middle of the night, usual time is around 3:30am or 3:45am.

The next day, I called up K and asked him whether he have been doing any smoke offering practice lately. I then proceed to update him on my dream the night before, then suddenly I remembered he told me he was helping a friend to sell or acquire a piece of land. I suggest to him that maybe it has something to do with this piece of land that he was involved with.

Then K proceed to informed me in detail about the land. He told me actually that piece of land belong to his friend and that piece of land also contain their family relative tombs, about 20 of the tombs are located at that piece of few acres land. His friend were planning to develop a columbarium building on part of the land and also some other development. I immediately advised to K that he better forgo this land deal, as obviously the ancestors that are buried there are not so happy with the plan they have in regards to developing the land.

Any relocation of tombs especially on an area needed to be handled with exceptional care and with correct spiritual procedures being done before hand. Well after my advice, K immediately inform his friend that he cannot help him anymore for the development of the land.

Few days later K update me that actually on that piece of land there is a Thai Temple that houses columbariums. I immediately inform K that this confirm my dream, as the group of people in the dream are not local natives. So this confirm my dream.

K then proceed to advice his friend that he better get the correct approval and procedures spiritually before proceeding further with this project.

Friday, March 9, 2018

貔貅降下 - 第一部


这一切开始于2个月前,当时我姐姐买999金貔貅,同时也给我买了一枚,并要求我帮忙开光。在我早期的禅坐冥想(12年前), 我开光过貔貅铜像,然而是较倾向镇宅,而非招财。








其中一名会员立刻回复说照片中的云朵好像貔貅。您看见了吗?我根本就无意间拍摄的 ,这也是上天对人世间反应,同时也是吉祥的迹象。



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