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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Seeing Black Smoke in the Courthouse

Few weeks back, I was requested by a client to be present at court to provide mental support. Actually it was my first time inside the court room. Anyhow since I was there just to listen to the proceedings, I have plenty of time to observe people in the court room using my behavioral skills assessment and also spiritual observations. 

My first feeling when entering the court room is that the whole room is filled with various sorts of different energy. Some energy pattern is very similar to those that belong to haunted places, then it suddenly struck me that some people might use black magic and sort to try to affect their verdict and outcome. What I can feel is that some did not 'retrieve' their spiritual helpers even after the court case. Most likely because the outcome was not what they expected.

The courtroom was presiding on a drug related case before my client's commercial case. So another first time for me to observe how a criminal case is being carried out. The accused was being represented by a team of confident lawyers. Compromise of young and senior lawyers in the team.

I got curious, I went into meditative stabilization and try to see what sort of aura this group of lawyers have on their body. To my surprise I did not see their aura but saw something entirely different. It was something like a black smoke surrounding their body. The first one had black smoke around the waist and upper thigh area. The second one had black smoke surrounding his back. The third one had black smoke circling in the heart area and the fourth one had black smoke on top of their head and also around the heart area. I turn to check on the judge and others, none of them have that sort of 'display' on their body.

I quickly came back to 'uptime' (means fully conscious in the present moment). I observed their facial colours. The whole team of lawyers actually have quite good facial colours, non indicated experiencing bad luck.

Suddenly I realized those black smoke could mean negative karma or spiritual retribution on their physical body. It is the first time that I am able to see such thing on a person in my meditative stabilization.

No matter how smart we are in the physical world, we are unable to escape the karmic consequences of our action. I do not know anything about whether those people that they represent are guilty or innocence, nor what is their role is in the representation and how the case would turn out. But obviously, their profession have drawn a lot of spiritual retribution onto their body.

They still have good facial colours, meaning in the nearest possible months or years they are still in the peak of their luck. Not much can be seen, nevertheless the spiritual retribution is definitely just waiting for luck period to change.

We have laws in the physcial world, there are also laws in the netherworlds. Our unconscious minds is the perfect recorder of all of our actions. We may know how to use the law to our favour in the physical world, however in the spiritual dimension – no one is above it, as long as you are still circling with ignorance in samsara.

**Those who like to know more about Feng Shui, please visit my blog at

Friday, December 14, 2012

Are you accumulating enough merits?

-->During animal liberation activities, I often mention to members and attendees, we need to accumulate worldly merits 福報 as well as spiritual merits 功德.

Worldly merits will benefit your luck in this life and spiritual merits will help us achieve higher re-births in our future lives.

What does it mean by not having enough Worldly Merits? It is similar to a situation where someone cooks a really good and tasty meal to serve you. However, you have tooth ache and stomach ache. So no matter how tasty the meal will be, you are unable to eat it. That is not having enough Worldly Merits.

Other situations that indicates lack of worldly merits.

1. Similarly you have a lot of good skills, knowledge and experiences but somehow you are unable to get the work package that you desire.

2. You have a good company, willing to give high salary for competent people but cannot seem to find the right employee to help you in growing the business.

3. Have many outstanding children. When they grow up, all leave the nest and seldom come back. Even though you have good relationship with them.

And the list goes on.

Even in spiritual cultivation, we need large worldly merits and spiritual merits. Without these 2, no matter how hard you cultivate, you will not have any realizations. The most is just a healthy body.

Why do we need merits? Because to reach certain cultivation level means that your forth-coming rebirth will be a higher one compare to existing life. Therefore, those who are born in higher plane, definitely have more merits that us. Without it, how can you reach the next level.

Just like computer or arcade game, to reach the next level, you will definitely need a certain score and accomplishment. You cannot start at beginner level and hope to straight jump to the expert level. Similarly in life and cultivation, we will need to accumulate worldly and spiritual merits to help us move along and upwards.

How to gain more worldly merits and spiritual merits?
  1. Charity of Body, Speech and Mind
    Body means action – physically help out in charitable causes (refer No. 2 Action below)
    Speech – encourage others to perform charity and good deeds. Inform others where they can get help or participate in good spiritual activities.
    Mind – Think good thoughts about others. Make dedication to others. Think of how others would benefit.
  2. Action – do good deeds for community and society.
  3. Encourage others to perform charity and good deeds.

Start immediately and do it consistently and good surprise will happen swiftly!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mantra Broadcasting Family

--> On Thursday morning, Penny contacted me on FB messenger and told me that her friend will be coming to the temple in the evening. Reason being was that her friend's daughter, C for the past 3 consecutive days have suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and cried uncontrollably.

Someone even suggested to C's parent to take her to see a child psychiatrist. I also jokingly told Penny that I am no doctor. What we can do at the temple is just fan her (using one of the talisman fan) to clear of any negative energy.

Anyhow before I left for the temple from my home, suddenly there's an urge to bring Tai Shang Lao Jun seal 太上老君印 with me that evening. After her friend arrive in the temple and go through the usual offering of respect to various deities.

When her mother was carrying her in our temple main hall, I saw a green streak of qi between her eyes. Usually I can't and don't notice these type of signs unless the deities wanted me to notice it. Anyway, streak of green qi between the eyes, means that it is not possession or anything serious – just that she had a fright and possibly encountered some residue Yin Qi 陰氣 in Taoist terms.

After fanning her to clear of any Yin Qi and also sealing her body with the seal, then her mum did ask me some questions regarding how to do water offering for pretas and etc. In the midst of our conversation, only I realized that they have been 'broadcasting' Amitabha mantra 24/7 for the past 1 year in their apartment home. Usually these mantra devices can be easily bought at chinese incense shop.

Their family does not have a altar at home, only praying to Tian Gong 天官. I explained to them, if they are into broadcasting mantra, they must at least being doing some form of Buddhist practice either morning or evening and also need to do dedication in their practice and also mantra broadcasting.

C's mother told me that it was her friend that gave her the advice to broadcast mantras. I further explained to her that because Amitabha's resolute is to help and receive all sentient beings that chant his name in their final moments of life. Many sentient beings who are in Bardo (state of after death but before rebirth) are in a state of confusion as having just being ejected from their physical body. They would usually be drawn to wherever they can hear mantras or prayers.

As they are attracted to the sound of mantra's especially of Amitabha's mantra, those broadcasting it MUST do dedication to all sentient beings that have listened to the mantra. If not they will all gather and just wait, of course they DON'T have any intention to hurt or disturb anyone, but if lots of Bardo beings were to gather in a spot, then it will create an imbalance of Yin Qi for that particular area or home. Adding to the point that they are not doing any Buddhist practice, no home altar of any sort.

With that, I have taught C's mum and dad to do a final dedication before turning off their mantra device, herbs and sandalwood to clear their home of any excess Yin Qi and some Taoist blessed salt to cleanse C's of any further Yin Qi if any.

The following morning, I have asked Penny to follow up with C's mum and according to her, the daughter slept through the night like a baby.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Special Gift

3 days ago receive a special gift from a respecful friend when he delivered my special wrist beads. He gave me a pair of centipede pearls. I have blogged about my pair of centipede pearls a while back, but they are very young compared to these.
Wrist bangle made from a very special type of wood

New Centipede Pearls
This new pair of centipede pearls that I have just received are very dark in colour. This means that it is already at a mature age for centipede pearls. I feel very honoured that he has placed the trust on me to keep these precious pearls.

Although he is from a different religion, we have mutual respect for each other as we are all in service of fellow mankind and sentient beings.

Place into glass container with Saffron Flowers
My original pair of centipede pearls

These pearls arrived just in time for me to attract more resources to do charity work.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Real Life Spiritual Response by Taoist Student

Below is my loose translation (originally written in Chinese) of the real life spiritual response that my student Peter Sin 法忠 felt during one of the Tibetan Chod ceremony during our temple Ksitigarbha's Celebration 地藏王菩薩寶誕 on 15 September 2012.

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I think it is my duty to share with all Kam Dong San supporters and also general disciples, and especially those who are hesitant or doubtful on attending events hosted by Kam Dong San Temple to come forward and experience what I have witnessed.

This year 15 Sept 2012 is Ksitigarbha Bodhisatva's Celebration, it is also Kam Dong San Temple second year of conducting mass chanting. This year is the collective chanting of 1 million mantra Ksitigarbha's mantra on eliminating fixed karma (Om Pramani Dani Soha). Part of the requirement of participation is that all will be on vegetarian diet for the duration of the event.

After lunch on 15 Sept, the Chairperson of the Temple, which is also my master, Master Ham begin the last day of his Tibetan Major Ceremony of Chod (Offering of the Body). From the 15th until 30th of 7th Lunar month, he have done the ceremony more than 10 times. Regrettably I have not attended even 1 time until this day, due to my work schedule. According to my master, Chod ceremony/practice is about offering the physical body to all the ghosts, demons, all karmic debtors and demigods in the area in hope of pacifying them. It is also considered one of the highest offering to do, as equavalent to the Sky Burial in Tibet.

As the ceremony begin, I followed the instruction as my master have given me for meditation, and slowly entered into a meditative state. Following the ceremony's music and chanting, in a sudden moment my mind entered into full darkness, as if in the almost death state (most likely I am in sleep state). I do not know for how long, but after listening to vajra bell sounded by my master during his Chod chanting, I slowly regain my consciousness again and saw visions of Yellow Light flew upwards while the floor is filled with skeletons.

I also saw a lot of flames, and each time Master Ham sounded the Vajra Bell, the flames grew. When the ceremony was about to finish, I smell an unpleasant smell in the room. Which to me is strange, because the whole Ksitigarbha hall is lighted with Tibetan incense.

My curiousity reached its peak, when from the flames, emerges a black figure surrounded by the flames. As the ceremony completed, I enquired my master 4 Questions.

  1. Why does it have saw a yellow light fly upwads and the floor is filled with skeletons?
    Yellow flight flew upwards, mean the consciousness has escape while the body is being offered. The skeletons are of course the left overs of the offering.
  2. Why is it that I can smell some very unpleasant odor?
    The unpleasant odor is actually your negative karma that is being purified and offered.
  3. Who is the black figure that I saw in the midst of flames?
    Did you just saw a single black figure? Pointing to the Thangka on the side of Ksitigarbha Hall.
    As I look carefully on the Thangka of Troma Nagmo, immediately I have goosebumps. It is the figure that I saw in the midst of the flames.
    Master said, as I chant just now – invitation of Troma Nagmo is part of the ceremony.
  4. Why do Troma Nagmo appeared in my meditative state? What is the message?
    Usually when a ceremony is conducted successfully, participants will have experience of 'signs'. And those that witness it can then inform others about their experiences for them to have stronger confidence and faith.

I felt very blessed, to have experience such strong response from Troma Nagmo. I will definitely work harder in my cultivation. Looking forward to more responses.

With blessings from all deities, bodhisatvas and buddhas of Kam Dong San.

Learning Tao Fa Disciple,
Xin Fa Zhong

P/S: I must emphasize that halfway into the meditative state, I was FULLY awake. I can see, hear, smell and think. I just cannot speak.....perhaps my cultivation is not as high yet.
Original article in Chinese


昨 午(15.09.2012)是地藏王菩薩聖誕,也是金洞山第二年举办《地藏王菩薩》经一百萬遍赞誦,众善信已从星期五晚上开始吃素和赞誦《地藏经》Om Pramani Dani Soha,过了中午午餐后,金洞山的庙主,也是我师父,谭法铳师父也开始进行了他最后一天的藏式《大牺牲法》法会,他在农历七月鬼节里已经进行了相同的仪式不下十次,惭愧的是我应公务在身,一次也没参加,师父说,《大牺牲法》就是把他的肉奉献给四周的幽灵鬼怪来安抚它们的亡魂,是无上的奉献,好似西藏式的《天藏》。当法会开始时,我就用师父教我的方法静坐,跟着师父的《大牺牲法》念经旋奏,慢慢放松,放松。。霎那间,一切变昏暗,我进入了半死状态(可能是睡着),不知多久,我是听到师父的金刚铃杵的敲击声时才醒过来,开始看到黄色的光飞向天上,地下只剩下一堆白骨头,然后,我看到火焰,师父每敲一次法,我就看到火焰在膨胀,当法事快要结束时,我嗅到阵阵异臭味,我很奇怪,这臭味不应该在《地藏殿》出现,因为周围都点了藏香,我的疑罕到了顶点,熊熊的火焰也燃烧到了极点,这时,火焰里面出现了黑色人头燃烧的影像,持续不断,直到法事结束....








P/S:- 我强调,后半段我是清醒的,我可以听,可以想,可以嗅,只是不能出声.....可能修行不够吧

 The chanting of the whole ceremony was in Tibetan. I have also not told any of them in advanced what is the sequence of my visualization that will be performed. His 'vision' coincides with my chanting sequence and visualization.

I also have to emphasize that I am a lay practitioner with no special 'powers' whatsoever, it is through the blessings of Ksitigarbha, All Cho Lineage Masters, Machiq Labdron, All Deities of Kam Dong San Temple and Troma Nagmo herself that this response was being witnessed by the student. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tiny Blue Light

2 weeks back, my sister was admitted into hospital for a case of acute tonsilitis. She had consulted and change medication with her company panel doctor twice before the GP advice her for admission into hospital.

After her admission into a private hospital, the specialist told her that her tonsils have pus and its quite serious which intensive drips antibiotic. All of our family members thought that she was going to be okay, in view that she already got the medical attention needed.

4 days passed, and I received a missed call in the evening from her. I thought she was calling up to talk on some other matters and it was nothing urgent. On the following day afternoon, I receive another call from her, this time is while I am doing my daily Buddhist practice. When I picked up the call, she was crying uncontrollably on the other end and I can hear that she is unable to catch her breath due to the pain.

Her pain is not only on her throat but she told me she is also experiencing jabbing migraine plus each breath she draw in her throat feels like piercing nail onto the wall of her throat. She said the doctors and nurses cannot help her and that requested that I help her do some prayers and do something spiritually.

When she hung up the phone, I quickly bring up her chart on my mobile phone to see what's going on. Some of you guys must be wondering at this point, I should have known her chart in detail. I have hundreds of clients to keep track and usually I don't go looking at charts of everybody I know to keep track of what is going to happen in their life unless they have some queries. I knew its is going to be an unfavourable second half of the year, but didn't know that the few days interaction actually bring it to max.

Lamp Offering for her quick recovery
Anyway, the transformation in her destiny chart showed that in that few days she is in what technically we would describe as 'deep shit' period. The whole chart relation was turning into a very dangerous outcome.

So quickly I have instructed that Cheng Huang Hall 城隍殿 7 Star Lamp 七星燈 at our Temple be lighten up on her behalf and put in a request for her swift recovery. Lighted up 9 incense and do a special request from all Taoist Deities.

Cheng Huang Hall 7 Star Lamp at Kam Dong San Temple

At the same time, I offered up 49 lamp offering to Medicine Buddha, place her photo and perform a brief ritual for her on the Medicine Buddha altar and quickly perform 2 session of Cho in my prayer room and dedicate to her swift recovery and also perform a Protector Puja.

It was an emergency and I have no time to call up big monastery to perform puja for her. I was relying on the strength of my intention to get through the call up there.

By evening, I received another call from my sister. She told me that a senior duty nurse visited her and check on her to understand what is actually her problem. After she described her problem to the senior nurse, she have detail inspection on her nostrils and noticed that her sinus is actually flared up severely. The nurse is also surprised that how come the specialist did not administered medicine for her sinus. This explains her severe migraine, because the water fluid in her head is being push up her cranial, which cause her to experience intense migraine.

The nurse quickly use saline water to clean her inflame sinus and immediately her migraine is gone. For the past 2 days, she have been complaining about her migraine to other nurses, but they said they have given full dose of pain killer and also injected pain killers so nothing they can do.

'Luckily' for her, this senior nurse showed up 'coincidently after all that is possible is done for her spiritually. That night she can sleep well for the first time since admission and amazingly she was discharge the following evening, with tonsilitis cleared.
Medicine Buddha Thangka that is erected during our Animal Liberation activity

Later she told me, during the night where she sleeps well, she saw tiny blue orbs in her dreams. And coincidently again the blue colour is the same as the thangka of the Medicine Buddhas that we used in our temple Animal Liberation. Coincident? Lucky? I will leave that to you....

Buddhism and Taoism ? Are you confused?

Recently, a temple disciple asked me a question, he said his friend ask him 'You guys are a Taoist Temple, how come there is Buddhist rituals and also Tibetan Buddhist rituals during your Animal Liberation activities ?'

Many who are not familiar with either religion, Taoist and Buddhist will always take a separatist stand or view. It is like a choosing a political view, its either you are right or left. Some un- informed Buddhist with 'Divine Child Syndrome' or what we call 'I am better than thou' attitude will view that Taoist is lower and Buddhist is higher. Some un-informed Taoist will have renegade attitude and think that Taoist Deities are closer and grant our every request more easily.

Both views are mistaken.

Highest Taoist Cultivation is 大罗金仙 Da Luo Jin Xian, a state where you will surpass death and re-birth, the ability to manipulate your body 5 Elements and transform it into light and therefore one with the Dao .

This stage of cultivation is also known as Full Rainbow Body in Vajrayana. Which means when the person dies, his (it can be a she also) body turns into white light and glow of rainbow surrounds him, after which the physical body dissappear and only clothes and some parts of nail will remain. It is a manifestation that the cultivator have reached enlightment.

As you can see, the end goal of cultivators is the same for Taoism and also Buddhism. To surpass death and rebirth – samsara. But before we go too far and high up on our standards we must know how to gather merits to be able reach it. Without merits, nothing can be accomplished !

Many do not even know how to differentiate between karma and merit, but they are quick to jump on others when they see what they think is a mix and match. Below is my explanation to the Taoist Disciple.

From a Buddhism perspective, our Taoist Deities are our Protector 护法 in our cultivation in reaching Enlightment, Animal Liberation is a way for us to gather Merit (公德)or on a lower level Good Karma (福报). During our Animal Liberation, we are doing 2 process at 1 go.

1. Name that have been written on the Biao Wen 表文list is being burn (submitted) to KDS Deities, to gather good karma for those people that have join the animal liberation.

2.At the same time, we chant Namgyalma mantra (Zhun Sheng Fo Mu) on the water and spray to the animal in hope that they obtain better rebirth in their next life - that is according to Buddhism - also we chant for mantras during our circumbulation - is to invite Buddhas and Boddhisatvas to grant their blessings to those fishes also in hope that they will obtain better rebirth.

If we just do the Taoist section, then all of us would only obtain good karma. That is also presuming you have a good request in your heart - better health, good relationship, good finance etc. If the person who went for animal liberation but inside their heart they request for bad luck on their enemies, sickness on the people they don't like, then in fact they will obtain a bad karma by requesting such action from Taoist Deities.

Karma affects everyone and all beings in any dimension.

Good karma can be use up. That is why it is consider a lower level good deed.

Our rebirth as human is also due to the balance of good and bad karma that we have gather in our many lifetimes in samsara. Changes of our luck also indicates, when our Good or Bad Karma will ripen. When the good ripen, we experience as good childhood, high study, good job, loyal spouse enter into a profitable business. When the bad karma ripens, we experience sickness, bad living conditions, failure of business, failure of marriage, Bad children etc.

Good and Bad Karma are constantly ripening, while we are also constantly creating them whether consciously or unconsciously. However good karma will not ensure that your next rebirth will be human or higher realms in samsara such as Deities etc. Only gathering of merits will ensure that you have a good rebirth in your next life. Therefore good karma is only very small compare to merits.

How do we distinguish good karma and merit? It is in your intention of your action.

1.When you do something for the benefit of yourself only - meaning better job, more money in life, successful business - and your intention is to benefit self - then your are USING UP your good karma.

2. When you do something good and HOPE that you can become better in your life situation or obtain something to benefit yourself - then you are creating only good karma for yourself and it is used up once you see improvement.

3. When you do something good, without any thought of self and purely in the hope that others will benefit THEN ONLY YOU ARE CREATING MERIT.

Why merit? Merit cannot be used up and it will follow you in your every rebirth until you achieve enlightment, Merit will constantly produce good karma in your every rebirth to help you in reaching enlightment. By being in KDS is also the result of your previous accumulated merit in your past lives to be able to be here as group to do something useful to benefit others.

While those new members that come to temple, we hope that they can create as much good karma as possible, when they see their life improve then they will start to accept in karma and merits and gather good merits instead.

While a person can create many many good karma, and in this lifetime they experience all the good karma and good conditions in life. However there is no guarantee their next life will experience the same comfort.

Can the same action produce either karma or merit? YES.

For example, when people come to join our animal liberation - if the intention of the organizer is to gather merit, even if those people who come and have request to obtain something, meaning they will only have good karma, it will also turn into merit. This is because the organization that is doing it is doing it CORRECTLY, therefore they have a higher benefit.

If KDS is built up for personal gains or personal intention, then whatever that is done will only gather good karma and not merits. Because the start is already due to personal gain.
If KDS is built up based on the sole purpose to benefit others and more people, then the whole organization is constantly gathering merits to benefit its member.

Then the next question is - When you are in the KDS contributing, are you thinking for the benefit of yourself or in hope that it can benefit others? Then that will also determine your presence in KDS is for exchange of good karma or to gather merit.
Rest assured for those who frequent Kam Dong San Temple. I am not half baked cultivator who are filling in the activity when there is a gap. As a Taoist, I have the full lineage of 六壬伏英館 up to 五雷教 and also lineage 風火院. In my sworn oath into Tao Fa 道法, there will be no money requested and earn on personal basis in performing any Taoist rituals or help. In Vajrayana, I have kept and keeping full samaya with my teachers and lamas.

We are only helping you gain more merit in a single action....that however will depend on your karma and merit to join us in our activity! 大顯威靈. Om Mani Padme Hung !

Friday, March 2, 2012

Power of the Golden Fan 金扇的奥秘

This article is written without any intention to promote or condone any gambling activities. The author only wishes to share the spiritual experience of his student and disciple. Any form of gambling activities will involve risk of losing money, which most of the time is the inevitable fact!

Our temple had our 1st Quarter Committee meeting last night. After the meeting, when there are few people left clearing up the place, James (a temple disciple) shared with us his experience in Genting Highlands during Chinese New Year.

He said on the 9th day of Chinese New Year, he and his wife was in Genting Casino for some casual game. After entered the casino for a short time, he said he has already lost about RM1500. So he suggested to his wife that they go and have something to eat and then come back. When they came back, he had only RM170 left in his credit. He said, if he lose this amount he will called it quits. He went for the nearest jackpot, again he lost some money. Then his wife said to him "its not that you don't know how to play, it's that you can't win". Then she took the small Golden Fan out from her purse and started fanning him. James did not realize that she fan him with the fan until he turn his back and saw her action. Quickly he asked her to keep the fan back in her purse for fear of appearing funny and attracting attention .

Where did James got the fan? In the move for our temple to acquire donation for our electricity bill for the year 2012. Under the permission of all deities especially God of Wealth Zhao Gong Ming 金龍如意龍虎玄壇趙公明元帥, we have issued out 4 Golden Fans with talisman of 5 Directional Wealth Deities on the 5th day of Chinese New Year. James was one of the person who donated RM888 for the temple electricity bill and thus as a recipient of the golden fan for his generosity.
五路財神金法扇 5 Direction Wealth Marshall Golden Fan.

Anyway, back to his story. After that action by his wife, he went on to play another jackpot with whatever amount he had. On the 3rd spin of the jackpot, he won RM2500+. He went on to play the dice, he bet on 123, it came out 123. He then move to play other games, all the games he played he won. He said at the end of the round, he won back his RM1500 plus another RM5000. On his way out of the casino he went back to the slot machine that he lost RM350, he told himself " I don't believe I cannot get any money from this machine." Again one spin, he got back his RM350. Then he said both of them left happily.

Coincidence? How do we explain this from a spiritual perspective? Well when his wife fan him with the talisman, it will definitely and instantly invoke the energies of the deities. That would clear out any bad energy that is stuck to his body and clear his thought for that moment. In a traditional sense, we call it raising his luck. 

Will everyone who receive the Golden Fan be able to win money in the casino? I don't think so. Whatever blessings that they receive from the talisman is dependent on the deities. But 1 out of 4 fans, our track record can be considered impressive :)  However one thing is for sure, whatever generosity that is received by the temple, I am very sure that our temple deities would not short change our sponsors in blessings.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mystical Power of Wood

In any practice of sorcery or magic, the use of right raw ingredients are utmost important. Lack of even a single ingredient can sometime cause the intended effect to fail. Raw ingredient on most cases reflect the natural characteristics of the intended effect plan by the practitioner.

 For example in types of wood used, there are practically hundreds of variety with different type of effect. Effect means that how the particular ingredient, in this case a type of wood will cause the energy change or aura change to the person. Some wood in their natural environment will cause wild animals to fear it's smell. Some will cause other plants/trees to grow in a particular manner when it's species is growing in the area. The list can go on and on.

 One of the simple way to use harness the effect of this wood on a person is to have them wear it on their body. The wood's natural energy print will cause changes in the person's aura. Aura and energy prints are pick up by our unconscious mind. Energy prints or aura on most cases are not visible to the naked eye unless the person is trained or have a tendency to differentiate subtle colors through their eyes.

Agarwood beads bangle and other woods to be combine.

 For my Agarwood 沉香 bead bangle, I am adding the White Wood of Submission, the Red Wood of Submission, Yellow Wood of Submission and also what is called the King of Wood. It is said that when the tree of Wood of Submission grows in a particular area, all the trees in the area would grow in a bowing shape towards the tree. King of Wood, is mainly use for healing. The wood when it is burn, will produce a smell which is unfavorable to spirit entities and also wild animals.

Why Agarwood beads bangle? Agarwood have been long favored by meditators. Prices of old Agarwood can go up to hundreds of thousands per kilogram. Why do meditators like the smell of agarwood? Well according to high cultivators, when they reach a certain deep stage of meditation, their nose will pick up a sense of aroma fragrance. When they are awake, they search for the closest smell of this fragrance to remind them of that state of meditation. Agarwood is the only wood that has the closest smell to what they have experienced.

Holes that are drilled and will be added the other woods into it.

Completed add-on
 I will write more on the usage of different types of wood in my future postings. This serves as a preview :). I have also used wood with natural characteritics of warding wild animals and add it with Taoist talisman to serve as a wand for making spiritual demarcation lines at any given place. That is of course in future postings.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I can see Boddhisatvas and Angels......

Many in cultivation wish to see higher beings such as boddhisatvas, deities and Buddhas. Some would like to be touched by angels, know that there is a higher form of power or the existence of real unconditional love towards them or among human beings.

Actually for many of us, we do not need to have high cultivation to recognize a Boddhisatva or Angels in our human realm. They are everywhere, if only we search and see with our eye unconditionally and free of judgement. This video highlights one of them.

Rejoice ! To be able to witness such unconditional love in action. Definitely all of us can learn a thing or two from him.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Centipede Pearl 蜈蚣珠

Centipede pearl size in comparison to a grain of rice
 I have finally added a pair of centipede pearl into my collection among many other mystical stuff ;). This pair of genuine centipede pearl came into my collection through a very experienced and knowledgeable source of centipede pearls. Since I have promised him that I will write about these pearls, after I have confirmed that they are genuine.

So what are centipede pearls? Centipede pearls are fossil like pearls that are form on either the crown of the centipede, at the tail of the centipede or at the mouth of the centipede. The micro bite marks usually can be seen on genuine pearls. Why do I stress on genuine? Because on the internet and world at large, there is a lot people selling fake glass, silica grain and even rock and claim it to be centipede pearls.

Why do people look for these pearls? Well it is claim that when the pearls are able to help the owner with good luck and in particular luck that involves risk ventures for example gambling. Because of the centipede swift action in nature, it is also deem to have the characteristics of swift clutch on opportunities that arise for the owner. Some traditional practitioners will use centipede pearls to aid in treating many different ailments and sickness. 

However long time legend has it that owner of crown centipede pearls would have the ability to see through walls/barriers or will be grant the ability to have deep instinctive abilities in any situation. Seeing through walls? I think we can pretty much do that with modern x-ray and infra-red machines. To develop deep instinctive abilities, you can do that too without centipede pearls - all you need to do is to hone your skills in meditation. Those abilities that I have mentioned are actually reserved for those who cultivate on these abilities. The centipede pearls will be use as a medium to enhance their ability. If you cannot even differentiate between being awake and relax, then no pearl can help you on training for these abilities.

How do I distinguish genuine from fakes?
1. Genuine pearls when you put them on your palm and close it gently, you will feel a throbbing sensation on your palm. Some with stronger energy vibrations would enable the person to feel the energy creeping or crawling up on their arms. 
2. Genuine pearls, if being taken care after some time, the pearl would turn into even deeper red tone and hence the energy vibration would be even stronger.
3. Size. Even centipede that have grown in big size in deep jungles, would not have pearls that are as big as some small rock. IF the size is able to reach the size of a single rice grain, then it is considered very big.

No editing of colors was done on this photo.

What do I feel when I hold this pair of pearls?
1. I do feel my palm throbbing when I place it on my palms after about 2 minutes.
2. There is also a method that is taught to me by a close friend. If you hold these pearls on certain fingers and try to turn your elbow as a form of pressure, you would discover that your elbow would be very difficult to bend. I did felt this when I tested these pearls.

I have received it last week and when I took photo for this article, I find that one of the pearls seem to got bigger a bit since last week. Here are the photo. of when I received it last week and posted on Facebook for my friends viewing
Red in colour are centipede pearls, Yellow one is a VITAMIN E for size comparison

So what do I do with these pearls? Since I don't gamble, because it was part of the prime directives that was given to me when I  initiated in Taoism. I just keep it in my collection and whenever I chant mantra such as The Great Compassionate Dharani 大悲咒, I will either dedicate or blow on it. The grew in size, could very well meant that its the right thing to do.

These pearls are best kept long term in the dark, due to the nature of centipedes. I have an instinct that they like to be kept in a gourd. Therefore the pearls are each place in a glass container, tied to a red string and suspended within the gourd. They will be place on my Taoist work table.

The purpose of this write up to give the readers a chance to view and recognize GENUINE centipede pearls. These are hard to come by and the price is high as well.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Strike of LightningWood

Recently when I was in Hong Kong on a yearly meeting with my Feng Shui master, I received a call from Eric. When I called him back on the next morning (Wednesday), he told me a friend from his previous work place suspects that his sister is possessed. Eric did ask his friend, before the incident where did his sister went and what did she do? And the information that was relayed to Eric was she went to a funeral and after returning home on Sunday evening - she will cry and laugh on her own for no apparent reason.
Image from

Eric already told his friend J, to use the Shi Gong Fan to fan the possessed lady. J is also a temple member and disciple, which was given a Taoist fan on Chao Yuan Zhu Shi 潮源祖師 Celebration last year. However J and his friend was reluctant to do it, because they are worried something might go wrong.
One of the Taoist Fan in Kam Dong San

Eric also suggested to them that why not use the Lightningwood (wood taken from trees that are struck by lightning) and place it on her head. Logically that would be able to drive any minor to medium spirit that have just resided in the person. Anyhow they did not do it.

Thursday morning, Eric gave me a call and told me that everything is back to normal and the person will not be coming up to temple. The details of how it was settled was the brother of the lady who was possessed went to a few temples to ask for help, and was given talisman to ingest among other things. But his sister still repeat the action of laughing and crying for no reason.

Lightning Stroke TEAK Wood
After everything was done as he was almost running out of help, he decided to try what Eric has advised. He place a Lightningwood in her sister's pocket, the lightning wood was inscribed with some protective 花字 (Taoist spell symbols). Instantaneously she recovered and is alert of her surrounding. Eric's friend was very relief that his sister recovered, even though initially he doubted whether 1 just piece of wood would be able to help his sister.

Upon further conversation, they told Eric that before she went to the funeral, that very same day she went to a Taoist temple to request for invitation of deity into her body 請師父. This process is somewhat popular, in which certain temple do offer to invite Taoist deity as the person's protector. It is what we would called the 3rd Generation Trance Medium. In which the high level spirit will come close to the cultivator and aid them in whatever questions or problems they have dealing with the spiritual world.

Every process does have its inherent risk. For the lady that was possessed, most likely she went to a temple that did not invite deities into her body instead they could have invited something else into her. Therefore if someone who really wants to cultivate as medium or invite of deity into their body, first they have to know very clearly what is the reason for them in doing so - having the wrong reason is sometime enough to drive you over the edge.

Why did the lightningwood worked? Whenever there is lightning strike in nature, all animals run for cover. It is also a popular belief that when a lightning strike something on the ground, it means that the area have some bad spirits or demon, and heaven just send some bolt shock to take care of it. Imagine a thunderbolt can reach up to 100M Volts - that strike alone would be able to turn ANY spirits into smithereens! Therefore the tree that was stricken by lightning, it's wood would have the strong imprint of the Yang energy. Which is the perfect raw material to use in exorcism.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

8 Ways to Increase your luck for the Dragon Year

Chinese New Year is very near and everyone is talking about how to increase their luck 升運 or 開運. I am will keep it short and straight to the point. Here are 8 ways to increase your luck for the coming Dragon Year.

  1. Charity. Most of the time when a person tries to increase their luck through spiritual means, they will encounter obstacles or difficult to complete the required practice. This has to do with the person's individual merit in their destiny. Just like borrowing from a bank, everyone has their credit rating. If you don't consistently increase your merits, you will definitely encounter no result when you try to achieve it through spiritual means. Charity of any kind is a good start to increase your luck, once you increase your capacity for good luck, it will be easier to ask for divine intervention!

  2. Increase of luck can also be done through REQUEST with specific Deities in Taoism. Base on your Chinese Zodiac sign, there is a specific deities within the Taoist pantheon that is responsible to 'look after' you for this particular year. Therefore you have to ask in the right places. Below are the list on which Taoist Deity to request for an increase in luck for Dragon Year.

  3. Sponsor a Buddhist or Taoist statue in temple. Sponsoring of statue in temple is like a fixed deposit that keeps on growing. Because as long as the statue is in the temple, and it is benefiting others through its image or inherent spiritual energy, parts of the merits will go to you. Sponsoring of big statues are difficult because not everyone has the first hand information in order for you to contribute your share. Therefore sponsoring even a small statue that will be place in a temple is a good way to keep the flow of good luck to you.

  4. Feng Shui ready your house and office. Living and working in harmony with the surrounding energy of your home and office is one way to increase your luck. Using the environment energy to suit your own destiny make up is like a plane flying with a strong tail wind, you will arrive at whatever goals you set much faster, easier and effortless.

  5. Before knowing how to live in harmony with your environment, you must first able to know what are your own personal cycles and timing. Check your Destiny through a good analyst, find when you should go all the way, and when to just lay low is winning more than half of the game in your individual destiny.

  6. This method is long and tedious for some, but it works. Chant specific Buddhist mantra in thousands or millions – it will definitely help eliminate your past baggage of bad merits.

    For Ways 7-8, I will talk on short term boost that you will see in the shortest time possible. 

  7. Take a Flower Shower! :) Buy 7 or 9 types of flowers, the flower itself must not have torns and Lily is a MUST in your flower grouping. Theory of the Flower Shower is simple, flowers are Yang and vibrant energy, shower with it and it will wash away any 'foggy' energy that you have stuck in your own energy field. If you are really foggy, best is to add some Epsom salt into the mix. Both of this will definitely cleanse and recharge your own energy field.

  8. During Chinese New Year, on the first day – travel to a favorable Qi spot base on 奇門遁甲 – harness the energy of that bi-hour then you are set for the following week. For this year, on the first day of Chinese New Year from 9am – 11am you can travel to a NORTH location from your house for your Chinese Year visit. This will gather a boost of Qi for yourself in that week.

    Have a great and prosperous Chinese New Year. 新年快樂!