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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Give Me MORE MONEY !!!

Most of the time when local Chinese community hear about a certain Taoist temple, their first question would ask whether the temple will give out lottery numbers.

Even in Buddhism, if certain bodhisatvas are referred to as granting wealth or can help with wealth, instantly it is a popular hit.

The correct way is not to request for wealth from deities or Buddhas. When you understand that money is a form of energy, then it is quite difficult to ask higher entities to 'make' energy and give it to you. Energy can only be transformed or by attracting more of it and it cannot be created or destroyed. In this way, what we can do is to request the help of deities to help in your attraction of wealth, clear the obstruction and blockage of energy that is coming to you.

In simple terms, request for more smoother flow in all things that you do. That will be more effective than asking "grant me more money pleaseeee!!!!"

And upon of receiving more energy (money) one of the motivation is so that you can help others. By giving back part of the energy to helps others it gets the cycle of energy flowing into your life. It also validates your ability to store more and more energy.

Too often times, patrons to temple will bring a few oranges or apples and then expect temple deities to grant them several thousand or even more from lottery. If we look it from an energy perspective, if the deities is running a business, they will run into bankruptcy very soon.

Do more meritorious deeds and participate in more activities that benefits others. It also makes it easier for the deities to help you convert those good merits when you need it the most.


飛星 said...


Harry Leong said...

Enjoy your blog very much, thank you for writing it. Please continue to write more entries.