Centipede pearl size in comparison to a grain of rice |
I have finally added a pair of centipede pearl into my collection among many other mystical stuff ;). This pair of genuine centipede pearl came into my collection through a very experienced and knowledgeable source of centipede pearls. Since I have promised him that I will write about these pearls, after I have confirmed that they are genuine.
So what are centipede pearls? Centipede pearls are fossil like pearls that are form on either the crown of the centipede, at the tail of the centipede or at the mouth of the centipede. The micro bite marks usually can be seen on genuine pearls. Why do I stress on genuine? Because on the internet and world at large, there is a lot people selling fake glass, silica grain and even rock and claim it to be centipede pearls.
Why do people look for these pearls? Well it is claim that when the pearls are able to help the owner with good luck and in particular luck that involves risk ventures for example gambling. Because of the centipede swift action in nature, it is also deem to have the characteristics of swift clutch on opportunities that arise for the owner. Some traditional practitioners will use centipede pearls to aid in treating many different ailments and sickness.
However long time legend has it that owner of crown centipede pearls would have the ability to see through walls/barriers or will be grant the ability to have deep instinctive abilities in any situation. Seeing through walls? I think we can pretty much do that with modern x-ray and infra-red machines. To develop deep instinctive abilities, you can do that too without centipede pearls - all you need to do is to hone your skills in meditation. Those abilities that I have mentioned are actually reserved for those who cultivate on these abilities. The centipede pearls will be use as a medium to enhance their ability. If you cannot even differentiate between being awake and relax, then no pearl can help you on training for these abilities.
How do I distinguish genuine from fakes?
1. Genuine pearls when you put them on your palm and close it gently, you will feel a throbbing sensation on your palm. Some with stronger energy vibrations would enable the person to feel the energy creeping or crawling up on their arms.
2. Genuine pearls, if being taken care after some time, the pearl would turn into even deeper red tone and hence the energy vibration would be even stronger.
3. Size. Even centipede that have grown in big size in deep jungles, would not have pearls that are as big as some small rock. IF the size is able to reach the size of a single rice grain, then it is considered very big.
No editing of colors was done on this photo. |
What do I feel when I hold this pair of pearls?
1. I do feel my palm throbbing when I place it on my palms after about 2 minutes.
2. There is also a method that is taught to me by a close friend. If you hold these pearls on certain fingers and try to turn your elbow as a form of pressure, you would discover that your elbow would be very difficult to bend. I did felt this when I tested these pearls.
I have received it last week and when I took photo for this article, I find that one of the pearls seem to got bigger a bit since last week. Here are the photo. of when I received it last week and posted on Facebook for my friends viewing
Red in colour are centipede pearls, Yellow one is a VITAMIN E for size comparison |
So what do I do with these pearls? Since I don't gamble, because it was part of the prime directives that was given to me when I initiated in Taoism. I just keep it in my collection and whenever I chant mantra such as The Great Compassionate Dharani 大悲咒, I will either dedicate or blow on it. The grew in size, could very well meant that its the right thing to do.
These pearls are best kept long term in the dark, due to the nature of centipedes. I have an instinct that they like to be kept in a gourd. Therefore the pearls are each place in a glass container, tied to a red string and suspended within the gourd. They will be place on my Taoist work table.
The purpose of this write up to give the readers a chance to view and recognize GENUINE centipede pearls. These are hard to come by and the price is high as well.