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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Seeing Black Smoke in the Courthouse

Few weeks back, I was requested by a client to be present at court to provide mental support. Actually it was my first time inside the court room. Anyhow since I was there just to listen to the proceedings, I have plenty of time to observe people in the court room using my behavioral skills assessment and also spiritual observations. 

My first feeling when entering the court room is that the whole room is filled with various sorts of different energy. Some energy pattern is very similar to those that belong to haunted places, then it suddenly struck me that some people might use black magic and sort to try to affect their verdict and outcome. What I can feel is that some did not 'retrieve' their spiritual helpers even after the court case. Most likely because the outcome was not what they expected.

The courtroom was presiding on a drug related case before my client's commercial case. So another first time for me to observe how a criminal case is being carried out. The accused was being represented by a team of confident lawyers. Compromise of young and senior lawyers in the team.

I got curious, I went into meditative stabilization and try to see what sort of aura this group of lawyers have on their body. To my surprise I did not see their aura but saw something entirely different. It was something like a black smoke surrounding their body. The first one had black smoke around the waist and upper thigh area. The second one had black smoke surrounding his back. The third one had black smoke circling in the heart area and the fourth one had black smoke on top of their head and also around the heart area. I turn to check on the judge and others, none of them have that sort of 'display' on their body.

I quickly came back to 'uptime' (means fully conscious in the present moment). I observed their facial colours. The whole team of lawyers actually have quite good facial colours, non indicated experiencing bad luck.

Suddenly I realized those black smoke could mean negative karma or spiritual retribution on their physical body. It is the first time that I am able to see such thing on a person in my meditative stabilization.

No matter how smart we are in the physical world, we are unable to escape the karmic consequences of our action. I do not know anything about whether those people that they represent are guilty or innocence, nor what is their role is in the representation and how the case would turn out. But obviously, their profession have drawn a lot of spiritual retribution onto their body.

They still have good facial colours, meaning in the nearest possible months or years they are still in the peak of their luck. Not much can be seen, nevertheless the spiritual retribution is definitely just waiting for luck period to change.

We have laws in the physcial world, there are also laws in the netherworlds. Our unconscious minds is the perfect recorder of all of our actions. We may know how to use the law to our favour in the physical world, however in the spiritual dimension – no one is above it, as long as you are still circling with ignorance in samsara.

**Those who like to know more about Feng Shui, please visit my blog at

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