Currently recovering from a 2 month long of skin problems and complication. My whole ordeal started from about 3 months back.
Somewhere in May 2015, I discovered that hornets have been building up a nest on the top floor roof of my house. Everyday I can see some hornet having a fix regular flight path around the top floor, as I got curious and observed where they end up, only to discover that they were already building up their nest up the size of small soccer ball which was hidden from plain sight.
I got really worried when I saw the nest, because there were simultaneously about 5-6 hornets flying around the nest and building in a fast pace. I have tried calling local pest control company, and was told that they do not handle hornet nest, they suggested that I called up the local fire department.
After calling up the local fire department, they told me that even they do not handle it, but I was passed onwards to the Local Defense Department. After got the details from me, they came that very same evening, all don up in bee protective clothing. They did not just took the nest away, but lit up a gasoline torch and burn the whole nest down. In total I can see the body count is about 50-60 hornets not including the larvae.
In my heart, I was thinking that this is really going to be some real bad effects on my karma later on. Some hornets which were not in their nest during the burning, still came back circling and hope to re-build their nest. Those left over hornets, was chase away with insecticides.
About a month after this incident, one day after my usual jog, I have discovered something like spider bite near my shoulder blade area. With itchy hands and did not think much about it, I went ahead and try to press the pustules on my skin at the shoulder blade area. Within 12 hours, I develop high fever and saw a red patch extend from my shoulder blade down onwards to my chest area.
The next morning, I immediately rush to a skin specialist and was diagnose that I have a boil and by pressing on it, I have push the toxin downwards and into my blood stream. Doc said that I need strong antibiotics for 1 week and the infection was getting systemic. After 1 week, the shoulder blade area was heal. Then I started notice that I've develop another boil below the chin on my neck!
Again went back to the skin specialist and was given another 1 week course of antibiotics. When I antibiotics was about to finish, I noticed another small pimple like growth next the the recovering boil. I decided to rub some garlic on and around the area, then in the evening I applied some antibiotic cream.
Within the same evening, I have a painful sensation below my chin and when I check it out on the mirror, from one small pimple - now I have a whole patch of skin below my neck full of something like multiple boils. Again I went back to the skin specialist and was diagnosed as having multiple furuncles and was given another course of antibiotics.
By this time, my under my chin, there is already accumulation of abscess. I was in pain through out the night, cannot manage to sleep for the first 24 - 48 hours. After 3 weeks of antibiotic up till then, the furuncles reduced, however I still have abscess the size of half of ping pong ball. It was not reducing and going away. And the multiple boils under my chin really looked like a hornet nest!
Then I tried many types of home remedy, but all did not helped and when I applied manuka honey on it, it really got to the worst condition. The multiple furuncles re-appear and my abscess area got larger! I know I was in a mess, rush to see the skin specialist again and was given another course of mix of antibiotics. The doc told me, if there is no improvement in my condition, he will have to cut up the abscess below my chin, on my neck to release the abscess.
Deep down inside, I know that this is not so much about medical treatment only, I have to do something spiritually as it is obvious that my skin problem was not going away after so many visits to the dermatologist and the prospect of being cut a knife below the chin really got me into spiritual panic mode.
When I went back home, I request the help of Guan Yin and pledge to complete 49 Little Houses 小房子 within 7 weeks (
What is Little Houses? Find out from . Yes, no Taoist talisman is going to take the medical condition away, as the problem itself has already develop into full fledge karmic effect. As I was about to get up from kneeling in front of my Buddhist altar, suddenly I got a clear message in my head "Bodhisattva are afraid of causes, while sentient beings are afraid of the effects, if you are so worried about the effects now - why did you commit the action in the first place?" Uncontrollable tears roll down my cheek, as I deeply regretted my own downfall of my cultivation and inability to hold my precepts.

Within 2 weeks I was able to complete the chanting of 49 Little Houses, as I was literally in retreat mode - chanting starts from early morning 0630 and usually would finish around 11pm in the evening with 3 recitation of 88 Buddha Repentance Lithurgy. After the 1st week and completed more than half of the required chanting, my abscess reduce dramatically, when I went to the dermatologist for check up, he was quite surprised that I have recovered tremendously. He told me that he thought he would need to 'cut me up' at some point. But by the rate I am recovering, he said that he does not need to do that anymore.
Also my deepest gratitude to Tshewong Sitar Rinpoche for his help on conducting Yamantaka Puja on my behalf even though he was in his teaching tour in France. And also my deepest appreciation to Padtselling Rinpoche for including me in his major long life and obstacle eradication puja. Also special thanks goes out to Bro Eric Lew for his constant dedication to me in his daily recitation of Di Zang Wang Sutra.
When I recovered almost 80%, one afternoon my eldest sister called me up. She said that she just took her son to a doctor and his son was having something like a small pimple under his chin. He kept on asking my sister to show to the doc (whom is also a skin specialist). My sister thought it was not something to worried about, but the doc reminded my sister, if untreated it could develop into folliculitis.
I goggled 'folliculitis' and that was exactly my condition. It was not multiple furuncles as diagnosed by the dermatologist. I have decided to seek this doctors opinion, he gave me some meds for folliculitis and have since discovered 90% and more.
Moral of the story
1. Never kill any sentient being for any reason. I was lucky in a way, 'they' decided to come after me when I as young. I would not know what would happen if they decide to manifest much later in my life.
2. Learn up and develop a habit of mantra chanting, when you are in deep karmic end - no other people have the resources or time to help you except yourself. Others can give you only a temporary lift, it requires normal strong cultivation habit to save yourself.
3. If you are considering to remove certain pest in or around your house through methods of KILLING - don't this may be the only warning you will receive.