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Monday, September 7, 2015

Another Shadow from Her Body

This case came to our temple 2 months ago, just right after our Annual Fund Raising Dinner. . This lady is a relative of one of our temple member.

When she told me about her encounters, she was also not sure whether it is anything spiritual or whether she needs help or not. She told me she went for a movie in a local cinema with some friends. Before the movie starts, she felt a bit dizzy and headache and thought it was just tiredness.

Then when she turn back from her seat at the cinema, she saw all the seats was moving as if in a forward wavy manner. She was surprised and ask her friends to look at it, however they did not see anything strange. That was the beginning.

The following week she went to some chalet stay by the beach, in the middle of the night she can hear very loud screams near her room and she could not sleep the whole night. After she came back from her trip, she have trouble sleeping at night.

Taoist Deities confirmed that she had some encounters with spiritual entity, however it is not as serious as possession yet.

So I gave her 3 Talisman to ingest, one every evening and advice her, if she have any out of ordinary dreams then she can come back to the temple again.

After about 1 month, she came back to the temple with her daughter and requested to see me. I thought she had some different dreams or encounters. She told me, after ingestion of the 1st talisman, during the night she felt very uncomfortable, then suddenly she saw in a brief moment as if another shadow leaving her body. After that, she felt a strong relieved. She said she completed the 3 day ingestion of talisman.

And the reason she wanted to see me was to ask me, whether she is now alright. "If there is no more strange dreams and you can sleep well,  you should be ok" - I told her.

Encounter with entities can happen anywhere and any time. Especially when your luck@life force is down, then the person becomes a likely candidate.

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