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Monday, September 17, 2012

Real Life Spiritual Response by Taoist Student

Below is my loose translation (originally written in Chinese) of the real life spiritual response that my student Peter Sin 法忠 felt during one of the Tibetan Chod ceremony during our temple Ksitigarbha's Celebration 地藏王菩薩寶誕 on 15 September 2012.

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I think it is my duty to share with all Kam Dong San supporters and also general disciples, and especially those who are hesitant or doubtful on attending events hosted by Kam Dong San Temple to come forward and experience what I have witnessed.

This year 15 Sept 2012 is Ksitigarbha Bodhisatva's Celebration, it is also Kam Dong San Temple second year of conducting mass chanting. This year is the collective chanting of 1 million mantra Ksitigarbha's mantra on eliminating fixed karma (Om Pramani Dani Soha). Part of the requirement of participation is that all will be on vegetarian diet for the duration of the event.

After lunch on 15 Sept, the Chairperson of the Temple, which is also my master, Master Ham begin the last day of his Tibetan Major Ceremony of Chod (Offering of the Body). From the 15th until 30th of 7th Lunar month, he have done the ceremony more than 10 times. Regrettably I have not attended even 1 time until this day, due to my work schedule. According to my master, Chod ceremony/practice is about offering the physical body to all the ghosts, demons, all karmic debtors and demigods in the area in hope of pacifying them. It is also considered one of the highest offering to do, as equavalent to the Sky Burial in Tibet.

As the ceremony begin, I followed the instruction as my master have given me for meditation, and slowly entered into a meditative state. Following the ceremony's music and chanting, in a sudden moment my mind entered into full darkness, as if in the almost death state (most likely I am in sleep state). I do not know for how long, but after listening to vajra bell sounded by my master during his Chod chanting, I slowly regain my consciousness again and saw visions of Yellow Light flew upwards while the floor is filled with skeletons.

I also saw a lot of flames, and each time Master Ham sounded the Vajra Bell, the flames grew. When the ceremony was about to finish, I smell an unpleasant smell in the room. Which to me is strange, because the whole Ksitigarbha hall is lighted with Tibetan incense.

My curiousity reached its peak, when from the flames, emerges a black figure surrounded by the flames. As the ceremony completed, I enquired my master 4 Questions.

  1. Why does it have saw a yellow light fly upwads and the floor is filled with skeletons?
    Yellow flight flew upwards, mean the consciousness has escape while the body is being offered. The skeletons are of course the left overs of the offering.
  2. Why is it that I can smell some very unpleasant odor?
    The unpleasant odor is actually your negative karma that is being purified and offered.
  3. Who is the black figure that I saw in the midst of flames?
    Did you just saw a single black figure? Pointing to the Thangka on the side of Ksitigarbha Hall.
    As I look carefully on the Thangka of Troma Nagmo, immediately I have goosebumps. It is the figure that I saw in the midst of the flames.
    Master said, as I chant just now – invitation of Troma Nagmo is part of the ceremony.
  4. Why do Troma Nagmo appeared in my meditative state? What is the message?
    Usually when a ceremony is conducted successfully, participants will have experience of 'signs'. And those that witness it can then inform others about their experiences for them to have stronger confidence and faith.

I felt very blessed, to have experience such strong response from Troma Nagmo. I will definitely work harder in my cultivation. Looking forward to more responses.

With blessings from all deities, bodhisatvas and buddhas of Kam Dong San.

Learning Tao Fa Disciple,
Xin Fa Zhong

P/S: I must emphasize that halfway into the meditative state, I was FULLY awake. I can see, hear, smell and think. I just cannot speak.....perhaps my cultivation is not as high yet.
Original article in Chinese


昨 午(15.09.2012)是地藏王菩薩聖誕,也是金洞山第二年举办《地藏王菩薩》经一百萬遍赞誦,众善信已从星期五晚上开始吃素和赞誦《地藏经》Om Pramani Dani Soha,过了中午午餐后,金洞山的庙主,也是我师父,谭法铳师父也开始进行了他最后一天的藏式《大牺牲法》法会,他在农历七月鬼节里已经进行了相同的仪式不下十次,惭愧的是我应公务在身,一次也没参加,师父说,《大牺牲法》就是把他的肉奉献给四周的幽灵鬼怪来安抚它们的亡魂,是无上的奉献,好似西藏式的《天藏》。当法会开始时,我就用师父教我的方法静坐,跟着师父的《大牺牲法》念经旋奏,慢慢放松,放松。。霎那间,一切变昏暗,我进入了半死状态(可能是睡着),不知多久,我是听到师父的金刚铃杵的敲击声时才醒过来,开始看到黄色的光飞向天上,地下只剩下一堆白骨头,然后,我看到火焰,师父每敲一次法,我就看到火焰在膨胀,当法事快要结束时,我嗅到阵阵异臭味,我很奇怪,这臭味不应该在《地藏殿》出现,因为周围都点了藏香,我的疑罕到了顶点,熊熊的火焰也燃烧到了极点,这时,火焰里面出现了黑色人头燃烧的影像,持续不断,直到法事结束....








P/S:- 我强调,后半段我是清醒的,我可以听,可以想,可以嗅,只是不能出声.....可能修行不够吧

 The chanting of the whole ceremony was in Tibetan. I have also not told any of them in advanced what is the sequence of my visualization that will be performed. His 'vision' coincides with my chanting sequence and visualization.

I also have to emphasize that I am a lay practitioner with no special 'powers' whatsoever, it is through the blessings of Ksitigarbha, All Cho Lineage Masters, Machiq Labdron, All Deities of Kam Dong San Temple and Troma Nagmo herself that this response was being witnessed by the student. 

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