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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Spiritual Clothing

Those that come to Kam Dong San temple, where I volunteer sometime will wonder how come this fella only wear bermuda and round neck T. Yes I'm too casual even for a Taoist. 

Official Clothing and official adornments are necessary for official functions as a cultural identification, nothing more nothing less.

When I'm in a Vajrayana function especially those presiding with Rinpoche's that I know personally, I would cover up with my Ngakpa shawl to show my respect for the Rinpoche. Normal teachings by other Rinpoche or Lama I prefer to wear normal like everyone else.
Taoist event or Celebrations, I just wear whatever is comfortable. Why? The deities should be able to recognize me even if I'm naked! If a Taoist is properly initiated, spiritually he would have a Taoist robe. Every being in the spiritual world would be able to see it. The robe will stay with you as long as you do not break any precepts set forth by the deities.

If you practice consistently and purely, instead of robe there will be glow and bright aura on your body. Spiritual beings, Deities, Bodhisattvas will instantly recognize you as a pure cultivator regardless of what you wear or don't wear.

What do you wear in your dreams? Whatever your mind can come up with. What you wear spiritually? The purity of your cultivation.

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